Chapter 1

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I was awoken by the sound of helicopters, sirens and shouts outside my dorm room window. With fists rubbing my bleary eyes and adrenaline pumping through my veins I hopped out of bed and went over to the window to see what was causing the mayhem.

Peering down to the road outside I saw there weren’t actually any helicopters after all. But there were about a dozen deafening motorcycles and two campus police cars. I could see the cops yelling incoherently, but they were like mime artists completely drowned out by the roars of the massive motorcycles. The bikers appeared to be laughing at the wild gesticulations of the campus police.

I watched on in bemusement as a girl in a tiny pair of shorts hopped off the back of a motorcycle. She pressed her face up against the face of the bearded rider, who nonchalantly slipped a hand under her shirt and appeared to give one of her breasts a squeeze.

The blond haired girl placed a hand on his crotch, returning the squeeze, before heading towards the dorm. As she turned my way I sucked in air in a gasp and then chuckled. It was Lucy. My roommate. My wild you’ll-never-guess-what-she-got-up-to-last-night roommate.

The lead biker stuck a gloved fist in the air and then made a circling motion with an extended finger. A moment later the bikes roared away from the building leaving the two campus rent-a-cops spluttering in impotent rage.

I pulled on my favorite gray sweat pants and sat on our small sofa while I waited for Lucy to make her way up to the second floor.

A minute later I heard her key jabbing at the door. One, two, three times I heard her stab at the lock before she finally got the key home. The door burst open and a moment later the beautiful yet disheveled Lucy burst in.

I wrinkled my nose as she stumbled in and collapsed onto the couch. She smelled almost like a frat party; the only difference being she smelled of cheap whisky instead of cheap beer. She dropped her head onto my lap.

“I just had the best night. You would not believe it.”

I looked down at her formerly made up face. Now mascara was smeared around her eyes, her lipstick was almost completely gone and I could see the yellowish hints of bruises on her shoulders peeking out from her too tight t-shirt. “What the hell Lucy?” If that’s what you look like after a good night, I’d hate to see you after a bad one.

“I was with the Sons of Mayhem . It was un-fucking-believable.” Her eyes were closed now and I could tell she was about to pass out. I wanted to get her onto her bed before she did. But more than that, I wanted to hear just what in the hell she’d gotten up to last night.

This semester I’d found myself in a rut. Every day was the same ole’ same ole’. Even my boyfriend was boring. More and more I’d found myself living vicariously through Lucy, jealous of not just the fun she had, but the fact that she actually seemed to be living life, not just floating on through it.

“I thought you went out with Jamie last night?” I said.

“Oh him? Yeah. Was that only last night? Well he’s a loser. We broke up. Then I met the Sons… actually they just dropped me off.”

“Yeah. I heard them.”

“Oh you could hear them up here?” Lucy sounded surprised. Or maybe it was fake surprised. Or maybe she was just too drunk to make any sense.

“Of course I heard them! You could hear them two counties away. You had the donut patrol’s sirens going too. You made a pretty big scene, you know.”

She giggled, her head shaking up and down on my lap as she did so. “Did you see them? They’re cool aren’t they?”

“I saw one of them molesting you out the window.” I thought back to seeing the biker slip his hand up her shirt, in front of the gang and the campus cops. I shivered slightly. I kind of wished it had been me. It’d been too long since someone had made me feel attractive. Not that I wanted to be groped in front of an audience, but still, to be grabbed by someone who found me attractive. That’d be something.

Lucy giggled again. She seemed to find me hilarious. Probably because she was still drunk. “If that’s being molested then molest me every damn day.” She slapped her thigh and shrieked as if she thought it was the funniest thing in the world. It was kind of funny though. I let out a little laugh too.

“So are you, like, dating that guy who grabbed your tit? Or what?” I was intensely curious now as to what exactly her relationship was with these guys.

“What, Brodie? Oh no. He just gave me a ride back. I was partying with a couple of the other guys last night.” My head spun. What had she gotten up to last night?

“So are you like… y’know…” I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to ask next.

“Y’know what?” Her eyes were beginning to flicker again. I could see she was fading.

“Are you like joining their gang or something?”

Her eyes opened wide again. Apparently I’d said something ridiculous. “Joining their gang? I’m a girl, doofus.”

“So what?” I asked, truthfully. I knew nothing about them. In fact, peering out of our second floor dorm window as they dropped Lucy off was the closest I’d ever been to a motorcycle gang.

Her tone was more serious now. It was the most focused I’d seen her that morning. “Only guys can join the actual club. But, there are two kinds of female club associates.” Associates? That’s a big word for a drunk girl at 6am, “There’s party chicks, and old ladies.”

“Party chicks and old ladies? Please tell me you’re not an old lady.” I laughed, causing Lucy to grin too.

“Ha ha. Anyway, I could be. I mean, I couldn’t, but I could be. If you see what I mean.”

“Nope.” She probably thought she was making sense.

“I mean, an old lady is like a serious girlfriend, or a wife. It means you belong to just one guy. I’m going to be a party chick though. As soon as I’m inis--” She stumbled on her words, “inishishiated. Initiated. I mean. As soon as I’m inished. Initiated.”

“Uhhuh.” I nodded. “So what’s that? What’s a party chick?” I was intrigued now.

“A party chick means you can like…” she thought for a second, “party with them. Like, hang out with them in their clubhouse and, you know, party.”

“You keep saying ‘party’. You mean like those lame ass frat parties you kept dragging me to last semester?” I had a feeling she meant something different. A more interesting kind of party.

She laughed again. “No, they party way, way harder. Those frat boys are kids. These guys’ parties are a lot more… Ummm…”

I tried to control my voice. I was excited by the idea of these real men partying. “A lot more what?” I didn’t want to sound too interested. Even though I was.


“Adult?” My breath was a little shallower than before. I wanted her to tell me more, tell me exactly what she got up to. With the state she was in I could tell she hadn’t just been dancing, she’d clearly been doing something much more interesting.

“Alright. Well, since I’m drunk, I’ll tell you. Okay?” She didn’t wait for a response. “Those guys… and the party chicks… they’re wild. I mean, really wild. I saw a girl get ini—I saw a girl become a party chick last night. Guess what I saw her do?”

God it sounded exciting. I’d spent the early part of my evening with my limp dicked, possibly gay boyfriend before going back to our room alone and unfulfilled. I wanted to hear it all. “What did you see?” If Lucy had been sober she would have heard the undercurrent of excitement in my voice.

Whenever Lucy came back from one of her wild nights I always got her to tell me about it. Most of my most intense fantasies were based at least somewhat on Lucy’s late night adventures.

“Two guys. I watched this girl get fucked by two guys at once. It was wild! The whole club was cheering them on.” She giggled. I felt myself getting flustered. I wanted to hear more but was too embarrassed to ask.

“Lucy?” I asked with some hesitation.

“Yeah?” she asked, her eyes closed.

“I wish,” I paused before I said it, afraid to even voice what I was thinking, “I wish I could be like you, just for one night. I want to know what it’s like to break loose like that.” The words tumbled out quickly, and when they did I saw Lucy’s eyes open again, appraising me. “Will you take me with you next time?”

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