Chapter 2

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Lucy looked into my eyes with some concern. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, they’re pretty rough guys. I know you thought the frat boys,” she said those last two words with some derision, “were rough. These guys would eat them for breakfast.”

“I told you. Yes.” Upon waking later that previous weekend she’d been shocked that I, the straight A student, wanted to party with the bikers. But she didn’t know me that well. I didn’t even know me that well.

Throughout the following week I’d been assuring her that yes, I really did want to hang out with them. Once at least.

She looked at me again, frowning. “Did you tell Mark?”

“No! I told you. We broke up. It’s none of his business.” It was true, we’d broken up the night before. I think it must have been that final humiliating ending to my doomed relationship that really pushed me to actually join Lucy. Although I’d told her I wanted to go with her, I probably would have backed out if it hadn’t ended like that.

We were walking to the back gate of the campus. Sober Lucy was much more sensible than drunk Lucy and, quite rightly, she was worried about having the bikers come up to the dorm again. We drew looks from both guys and girls as we headed down the footpath in the late afternoon sunlight. We looked, in a word, slutty. And for once in my life, I was embracing it.

Despite only having learned about being a party girl for one night, Lucy apparently knew all about their fashion sense (or lack thereof.)That afternoon Lucy had taken a pair of scissors to my shortest pair of jean shorts and not just made them shorter, but cut slits and holes in them too. Looking in the mirror I’d gulped as I saw the flashes of thigh and ass visible through the ruined (improved, she’d insisted) fabric.

Lucy had also slashed away at least half of my t-shirt leaving a great swathe of my midriff bare. When she was done with my outfit there was more of my clothing in the trash than there was on my body.

I had to admit though, we looked good. Not good like the minister’s son would take home to meet mother, but good like a horny alpha male would fuck until he made you cry tears of ecstasy.

“Oh shit,” I whispered urgently. On the other side of the path was my recently dumped boyfriend, Mark. Desperately not wanting to talk to him in my current state of (un)dress, I turned my head to the side so my hair hid my face, and pretended to be interested in the trees off the side of the path, hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. Strangely, it worked.

“Seriously, he must be gay.” Lucy announced after he’d gone by without giving us a second glance.

“You really think so?” I asked

“How could he not be? Every other guy has been eye-fucking us as they’ve gone past. He didn’t even notice us. He didn’t even notice you, and you’re supposed to be his girlfriend.”

“Ex-girlfriend.” She had a point though. And I’d had my suspicions too. Lucy’s pronouncement relieved what little guilt I’d had about us going out with the bikers.

We got to the back gate and stood on the curb waiting. It wasn’t long before we heard the distant thunder of motorcycles, their rumble reaching us at least half a minute before they trundled in to view.

“You know, I’m glad you’re coming with me this time. It’ll be good to have a friend with me.” Lucy smiled at me. I smiled back. While my face was happy, inside my stomach was turning flips. I’d never been on a ‘date’ like this. Not that it was a date, of course. I’d basically agreed to go meet a bunch of horny bikers. I’d probably have sex with one of them. At least, that’s what I’d been fantasizing about every evening for the last week. Holy shit. It struck me. I am literally going to get on the back of a motorcycle in order to go get fucked by bikers. What’s wrong with me?

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