Chapter 8

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Jase hugged each of the men as they entered. First was Bottle who was a skinny guy with teardrop tattoos under his right eye. Why did he do that? Jase's tats are cool, but those teardrops? Ugh...

"What the fuck Jasey-boy." His greeting was a statement rather than a question. Bottle's soft voice belied his appearance and I immediately began to reverse my first impression. There was a hidden warmth to his voice, and I guessed perhaps there was a story to go with his scary facial tattoo.

 Behind him was T-Bone, a shaven-headed monster of a man. How the hell does he fit on a motorbike? As he lumbered into the warehouse I half-expected the floor to shake. If it was anything but thick concrete it probably would have. His breathing was labored as he silently thudded his gloved fist into Jase's before embracing him in a bear hug.

"What are you going to do with them?" I asked, as they finished greeting each other, wrinkling my nose at the pathetic guys lying on the floor.

T-Bone grinned before opening his maw. His voice had the rasp of a man for whom a sixty-a-day smoking habit would be a healthy improvement. "I was thinking the bridge over by the highway, near the truck-stop, y'know? Toss 'em off in front of a big rig."

My eyes went wide. What the fuck?

"Naw. Let's take 'em to the lake. The eels and carp and shit will have great fun with them." The gentleness of Bottle's voice was broken when he scared me with a loud screech. Was that laughter? I watched as he eyed the terrified men on the floor "Yum, yum, fish food." Are they serious? I hope they're not serious. They look serious.

Jase laughed and I felt the tension in me release a little. "You're going to give them heart attacks boys." He turned to look at me. "Don't worry, we'll just drop them off in the ghetto or some shit. Even though they tried to kill me, I'm a forgiving guy. That and they're fucking idiot meth heads. I don't wanta deal with getting rid of their stupid bodies. Not worth the labor or the risk. We'll send the pledges out to pick them up later."

I watched half in horror as T-Bone carefully spat on the face of each of the cowering men. I wanta do that too. They tried to kill us. The men didn't dare move and just whimpered quietly, accepting it.

Bottle went outside and returned shortly after with a thick roll of duct tape. I watched as he wrapped the tape around their wrists and ankles, before connecting the two together, trussing them up like Thanksgiving turkeys.

Jase meanwhile headed upstairs to place the riot gun back in its box. Within five minutes of the reinforcements arriving we were ready to roll. I gave one final look of contempt to the wannabe-killers as I hopped on the back of Jase's motorcycle. I didn't fall this time.

When Jase hopped on the front, I yelled, "Let's just ride right over them!" What's getting in to me?

I saw a gratifying look of panic cross their face before they heard Jase laugh. "Naw, they'll get my bike all methy."

I paused for a second before getting his pun and bursting out laughing. My giggles were drowned out as Jase started the bike's engine.

 We slowly rolled out of the warehouse. Jase hopped off the bike and dragged the door shut leaving the two meth heads locked inside to await their later pickup.

Bottle and T-Bone were already sitting astride their motorcycles outside. Bottle was on a bike similar to Jase's, but T-Bone's was much bigger. I didn't know much about bikes but his was obviously a custom job of some kind. The muffler-less bikes filled the air with the smell of exhaust fumes and the occasional loud pop as the engines waited to be let loose.

Jase climbed back on the bike in front of me, pushed it up straight with his boot and kicked the stand back home. As he signaled to the other two men to move out I consciously let my legs relax as I sat on the back of the motorcycle. As we roared away towards the highway I already felt more comfortable. Is this really only the second time I've been on the back of a bike?

As we flew away I wrapped my arms around Jase again, loving the feel of soft leather over a hard body. The sun was setting and the air rushing over my skin was cooling down fast. I began to shiver and hoped the clubhouse wasn't too far away.

The other two men rode in parallel behind us making a triangle as we filled the desert valley with the roars of engines. The cool wind poured through my hair and I felt like letting out a scream of joy, or pent-up fear, or excitement or something.

Jase turned around and looked at me and grinned. I could see that just being on the bike had brought his mood up. He turned around and with a twist of his wrist sent the bike shooting forward.

He stood up on the pegs and let out a loud "Aroo!". That was enough for me. I let out my pent up emotions in my own cry of, "Woo!" that went on an amount of time that would have embarrassed me in any other circumstance. But right then, I didn't fucking care.

Goddamn it feels good to be part of this.

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