Killing Puppies

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BeN: Ok TwIlIgHt, ReD yOu TwO hAvE tO kIlL pUpPiEs

Red: No

TP Link: We have to, its a dare and trust me I don't want to do this as much as you do, but we have to

Red: O-ok *Cry's*

Blue: Stop crying Red, if you do this and stop crying I will be nice to you for 5 chapters *breaking the 4th wall*

Red: O-ok *stops crying*

*To the puppies*

Red: I'm really really sorry I don't want to do this but I have to, I'll make it quick and painless *quickly kills a puppies, while looking away*

TP Link: *Kills a puppies like he doesn't give two shits* OK let's go

Everyone: Wow

A/N: OK I have nothing to say about this chapter but I made Blue break the 4th wall and made Twilight into a dick

Ask/dare the Link's (First chapter will have all the Link's you can ask/dare)Where stories live. Discover now