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Shawn has been so amazing. My mom just died last week. But this was one of Shawns really busy weeks.

Since he loves me so much he canceled almost everything.

We just got home, I was sitting on the couch. Shawn was about to leave for a some meeting. Being a singer's girlfriend is tough, but we stuck through it.

The though of my mom came rushing through my head making me quietly whimper. Shawn walker in so I wiped my eyes quickly.

I didn't want make him have to cancel anything. He said goodbye kissing my cheek.

I tried so hard not to cry. But just saying goodbye made all the tears pour out.

He looked back and ran to me. Shawn held me in his arms.

"I'm gonna cancel the meeting ok?" I pulled away forcefully.

"No. No! I've already cost you week, please just go I'll be fine." More tear were draining my face as I said this.

Shawn said, "No I'm not leaving! You can't here alone crying. Wait just a minute I'll call them."

More and more tears, they wouldn't stop. Now I'm hurting Shawns career because of me.

The rest of the night me and Shawn just cuddles and talked.

The next day Shawn actually went to work and I wasn't a total mess.

Today was kind of happy for me. I went a little shopping, also got some Starbucks. Planned a vacation, which is in 2 days. My suit case was already packed with some new stuff I got.

I cooked a nice dinner for me and Shawn to share. It felt like it's been forever since I've been happy.

Shawn came in, slamming the door shut. He dropped his bag on the ground and walked to our room.

That was weird, maybe he didn't have a good day. I walked in telling him a made dinner. He followed me back to the table.

We ate in silence for a while.

"So today was good for me. I even booked us a vacation. It's in two days! Also I even packed my su-"

Shawn stood up angry. "You know not every thing is about you or having fun! And blah blah. You know I just lost a good concert at Madison Square Garden! Also there has been so many things I could have done! I missed them all and my band just quite, my manager, almost everyone! And it's a because of you!" I was stuck in shock as Shawn trudded off to our room.

My appetite was gone and tears were already urging to come out. Maybe I was just a waste of his time.

I'm not important to his life anymore. I should probably just get out of his way.

With that I cleaned up the area. Luckily my suitcase was by the door so I didn't have to go into our room.

Writing on a piece of paper, I poorer my emotions out. It talked about how I wasn't any use to him anymore. How he probably doesn't love me anymore. Also home I hope he lives out his career and has an amazing life... with out me.

I left it on the kitchen counter and strolled my suitcase out the door. I couldn't bear looking at him right now.

My aunt who lived close by let me stay at hers.

It's been 2 and a half weeks filled with missed calls from Shawn and sitting around all day hiding from the world.

Today I planned to go to Starbucks. Wearing my workout clothes, I ran down the street.

Walking in there was the usual amount of people. I waited in line til it was finally my turn.

I ordered a vanilla bean frapachino. I caught someones eye while waiting for my drink.

Shawn was here, he ran to me. I turned away from him.

"Please, Katherine. I love you so much and I miss you! Let me do something so that you will love me again. Also you are not a waste of my time. You are my time, my world. Things have been terrible with out you. Nothing has been happening at all, like my life just stopped." He pulled me around so he would see my face. I rolled my eyes.

"I miss those gorgeous eyes to wake up to in the morning and fall asleep to at night. Please take me back?" He was now just begging me.

But he was actually winning me over. I didn't know if I should let him in so easily. Well it was worth a try.

"Ok... I've actually missed you too." His face lit up. He hugged me so tight.

"KATHERINE! SHAWN!" My drink was ready and so was Shawns. We walked out happy and together again.
Hi! I don't know if this one was boring, content if it was. Thanks!

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