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It's junior year when, Kim (short for Kimberly) ran up by my side, just like everyday after 2nd period.
She talked all her non sense that went on and on, until we finally met up with Matt.
He swept me up without warning. I screamed while laughing.
"Hey baby, did you miss me?"
He had gone to magcon for a while, but he was finally back in Toronto.
"Of course I did... how was Magcon??"
He held me in sweet a hug.
"Awesome, I have such amazing new friends now! Actually one of them I want you to meet."
He held my hand and led me down the hall.
A tall guy, with brow short hair, and perfect pink lips now stood in front of us.
Matt gave him a bro hug, and then the handsome guy faced me.
"So this is my girlfriend that I told you about."
The guy laugh, damn such a cute laugh.
"Ohhh, why yes the girl Matt never stops talking about. It's a big pleasure meeting you finally, my name is Shawn, Shawn Mendes."
I was kind of stunned, he had of way of making me run out breathe.
"Hey Shawn-Shawn Mendes," he did that cute laugh again, "it's nice meeting you too. My name is Je-"
"Jessica right?"
Of course Matt must've told him.
"Yea, you're really tall."
I was only 5' 4", so Shawn looked like a giant compared to me.
"Yea every one says that." And there goes that cute giggle I'm starting to love.
"I've got 3rd period. So love you, I'll talk to you at lunch" he kissed my cheek, "Bye baby! Bye bro!"
He left me there with Shawn. I waved bye, then got nervous all of a sudden. I was here alone with Shawn, he made me so nervous for some reason.
"So what class do you have next?"
I didn't know what else to say.
"Oh I have biology actually."
"Really? Me too!" Shawn smiled at me, which made butterflies in my stomach.
Me and Shawn walked to class together. He was actually a really cool guy, easy to talk to.

Later on, I was getting on my bus I realized Shawn was on.
I went to go sit next to him.
He realized I was here, then smiled. I noticed I'm starting to love his smile also.
"Hi! You're on my bus too?"
I laughed to keep it casual.
"Yeah, it would be funny if we were neighbors too."
We laughed together and my whole world was lighting up. Whenever Shawn was around it was like everything was going to be ok.

I arrived at my stop, and started off my bus. The weirdest thing was that Shawn followed me off the bus.
"Aren't you suppose to be getting off at your stop?"
He looked confused.
"Yeah, this is my stop."
"Ok I totally jinxed it. We are neighbors??"
We both at our houses, we really were neighbors.
"Wow, I guess so." He looked at me with his adorable lazy eye, which I started to love too.

I talked to Shawn for a little bit, we said our goodbyes and walked in my house.
I heard yelling right when I got inside. My parents were fighting again.
They fight all time, it's been happening for 4 years.
I ran up to my room and shut my door as usual.
I did my homework during free period so I had a whole bunch of free time.
I sat on my bed turning on my TV. Riverdale was on, which I loved. So I watched it for a while.
I checked my clock, it was 5:00. I was so bored, so I went to my window to see if I could sneak out to the diner.
There Shawn was pulling on his shirt. Our windows were straight across from eachother.
I couldn't stop staring in amazement, I must've stood there way to long. Shawn noticed, then opened his window.
"Hey, how are our windows right across from eachother?"
I opened my window and sat on the ledge.
"I don't know, a coincidence?" I shrugged.
"This is really halarious actually! What were you planning on doing?"
I debated if I should tell him.
"Going to sneak out to the diner." He smiled again that damn cute smile.
"Why can't you go out the front?"
"It's a long story..."
It was so crazy there was a tree right in between our houses that I used to climb. That I could get to his window semi safely.
"Mind if I come?"
I nodded and climbed out on the tree down til I reached the bottom.
Shawn jumped off and patted his knees.
"Easy peasy," he said while out of breathe, "do you do that often?"
"Yea." I smiled at him.

We arrived at the diner. It was called Starry Night Diner, I've been coming here since I was 10.
Jenny greeted me with a hug. She's known me ever since I started coming here.
"Hello, miss Jessica. And who is this?" She winked at me. Oh man.
"Hello, I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you."
He held out his hand, but she refused.
"I only give hugs... come here boy." I laughed at then, as she pulled him in for a hug.
We sat at a nice booth, and Jenny got our orders.
"So why do you sneak out?"
I normally felt uncomfortable about this topic, but Shawn made me feel ok about it. He made me feel comfortable.
"Um well, my parents fight and argue all the time. They've been like that since I was 12. And well I normally don't like to get a involved so, ever since then I've always sneaked out so I don't get caught up in anything bad. When I was 14 I made the mistake of trying to go out the front door. My dad saw me and yelled at me to come back inside, but I tried to pretend like I didn't hear him. So he grabbed my hair and pulled in the kitchen. Then h-he smacked me... hard... And it left a scare right on my cheek..." I looked to the table not knowing what to do, just fidgeting with my fingers.
"Hey..." Shawn said softly. He put his hand on mine.
"Have you told Matt?"
I felt ashamed.
"No..." It felt tears were about to come pouring out at any second.
Shawn came around at sat next to me to comfort me. He hugged me tight like he would never let go.
I cried in his shoulder, digging my face deeper.
"Shh it's ok." He rubbed my back, soothing me.
Shawn was a really amazing friend, I don't think I've told anyone. And it finally felt like a i was free and relieved. He let me tell him and he listened. I didn't have to hold everything in. I trusted him already, he had just saved me.
Hey guys it's been forever. And I really mean it, like it's really been forever since I last updated. I'm so sorry I never updated so I made a long imagine. Hope you enjoy! Xoxo<3

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