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Nico drove the boy to the beach,  When they arrived, Nico said, "You can't dive into the ocean in front of these people."   "Then what shall we do?" the boy asked  "Wait 'llI have an idea, come, follow me.  We can go to the boardwalk and rent some fishing gear. We have an excuse to go under the boardwalk, with anyone questioning us." said Nico as they walked out of the beach. "That'll be fine," said Lucian 

They arrived at the rental place and they picked up everything they needed to go fishing.  Then they headed back to the beach.  They looked for an empty location with no people around,  then set up a little campsite.  No tent, but chairs campfire cooler with drink, Nico went all out.  They set up the fishing rods.  "Sir is it safe for me to jump into the water now?" the boy asked as he places the fishing pole in between two large stones, then took off his shoes.   Nico looked around, there was no one.  "Wait before you go, what's the plan? asked Nico  "What do you mean sir?" asked Lucian  "What are you going to do?" he asked again  "I will go into the ocean and retrieved some of that stuff that you call gold." he replied  "How long will you be gone?" asked Nico worried thinking that the boy might drown.    

"Sir that's a good question, give me a second." said the boy, as he walked towards the edge of the beach, he began making dolphin whispers.  Nico stood to amaze, for the sound was beautiful, he kept quiet and just listen.   After five minutes of whispers, the sound that Lucian was making was now coming from the ocean.  "What is that?" he asked as he got closer to take a better look.   "Sir those are my friends.  I need their help.  Just wait here.  They won't come to the edge as I do." said the kid as he walked into the ocean as he stepped into deeper waters, he dive further to the deep where there was two beautiful dolphin waiting for him,  whispering back as Lucian whispered.    

The young boy reached the dolphins, and somehow, as he made his noise they seem to understand him, and he understood them.  After about ten minutes, the boy returned to shore.  Nico was so happy to see he returned safely.    "What was that about?" he asked  "I've asked my friends if they knew of any sunken boat or ship, that might have gold.  They said they saw two boats but they can't tell me want's on them.  I asked them to can they be darlings and check for me.  They agree if they find anything they come back and get me.  Do you have anything that I can put the stuff inside?" asked Lucian  

Nico went into the sports bag and took out a large clear freezer bag and gave to the boy.    Lucian put the bag in his pocket, "Now all we must do is wait for my friends to return." he said as he sat down watching Nico who has just caught a fish.  "Sir, that's a nice one." said the boy with a smile  "Yes it is, and I caught without your help." said Nico "Yes you did sir," replied Lucian as he looked about to the ocean.  

Then suddenly the Dolphins reappeared with their whispers and cries.  Lucian responded then said,"They found a boat that has lots of coins.  I'll be right back.  They will be my guide, the deep is dark, although I have light, other bigger fishes might want me for dinner.  When I travel with them, they surround me and protect me from predators.  If for any reason you feel that I'm taking too long, don't worry, and just wait." said the young boy as he walked into the ocean once again.   

When he finally appears his swimming friends, one of the dolphin got very close to Lucian and whisper.  The boy held on to the dolphin large fin.  When the fish drove into the deep with the boy on his back, Lucian fish gills appeared, and his hand and feet became webbed.  The shape of his head also changes into a football shape.   Then into the deep, the dolphin took Lucian.  When they got very deep almost reaching the ocean's bottom, Lucian eyes began to glow yellowish green.  His eyes were so bright, that it helps to see where he was going.

They finally reach a large boat, beautiful, baby blue.  If wasn't there long, because it still was in perfectly good condition.  The dolphin leads the boy inside the boat.    As the boy takes a closer look, he sees the coins that the Dolphins were talking about.  When he went to pick them off the ocean grounds, he saw three bags filled with coins.   Lucian was so happy.  They had enough to buy a boat.  He grabbed the bag, it was pretty heavy, he went for another, which was weird but this one wasn't heavy at all.  He put them both in one hand as he climbs on his fish friend back. In their language he told them to take him back up and that they did.

When Nico saw the boy coming out of the water he quickly looked around making sure no one saw. Lucian told his friend to wait for him, that he might have to do another dive.  So they watch Lucian as he went to shore.   Nico quickly helped him out of the water.  The boy was tired so he sat down on top of the cooler as he handed Nico the two tied up bags.   The bags didn't have any writing, that was a good sign, that it didn't belong to anyone.  But there is the ocean rule, if you find it in the sea it belongs to me.  Nico sat and untied the bags, he went for the heavy one first, he was hoping it was some old gold coins.

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