Chap 5 "Mission Accomplished"

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Lynnea's POV
"We got another problem," Lucas stated as he looked in the rearview mirror. "That truck's got enough missiles to take us all out."
"Then don't give him a target," Hobbs sighed. "Everybody get in front of us, line up, and we'll take the hit."
"What?" Rome exclaimed. "I need to switch cars right now." Hobbs got behind us. "Now."
"Rome, calm down," I replied. "It wouldn't be the first time things like this has happened."
A missile hit them but didn't take them out. "Hang in there guys," Ramsey stated. "We're almost to the lock."
"That's easy for you to say when your ass ain't on fire!" Rome yelled.
"They're locking on!" Tej stated.
"Sorry guys, I got no tricks left," Hobbs replied.
"What do we do now?" Ramsey asked.
"We start praying," Rome stated.
"I never took you for the religious type, Rome," I smiled. At that point Dom hit the truck causing them to shoot the missiles at the other trucks. Dom started driving with us. "Whoa."
"Is this guy on our side now?" Lucas asked.
"Who the hell cares?" Tej asked. "He just saved our ass."
"Well, we are gonna check this out," I smiled. Two torpedoes came out of the ice. One took one of the trucks out. "That's not good."
"What?" Lucas asked.
"Torpedoes," I nodded. Hobbs was able to maneuver it towards the opponents truck. The sub broke through the ice behind us. "Oh shit! Lucas, you better step on it."
"We're gonna need a bigger truck," Hobbs nodded.
The sub went back under. I looked out the window. "It's under us," I nodded. The sub started resurfacing. "Oh no."
"Get us out of here!" Rome yelled.
"Why are you always yelling?" Hobbs asked.
"Lucas," I stated. "That's not good. That's not good." Lucas sped up and we were on solid ice. "Thank you."
"Hey, I'm always here to save you," Lucas smiled.
"Subs's too close," Hobbs sighed. "We ain't making it to the gate in time."
"We just gonna let it get away?" Ramsey asked.
"Not if I know Dom," Letty smiled.
I saw a missile coming towards us. "Oh no," I nodded. "That's a heat seeker."
"That's a goddamn heat seeker coming at us," Hobbs responded.
"Peel off," Dom stated. "Head to the shore."
The heat seeker hit the sub as Dom jumped over the sub. The sub exploded. "Guard him," I pointed. We got in front of the fire before it hit Dom and surrounded him so he wouldn't get hurt. We got out of our cars. "I knew it."
"That he couldn't have turned?" Lucas asked.
"He had his reasons," I smiled. "The only thing that matters is that he's back." Dom walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Let's go home."
"New York," Dom smiled.
The next day, we were having lunch on the rooftop of my apartment complex in New York. "Where's your boyfriend?" Hobbs asked as he walked over to me. I sat down in the chair. "That bad?"
"He'll be here soon," I nodded. "Why?"
"I want you to meet my daughter," Hobbs smiled. "Come here, sweetheart." A girl walked over to Hobbs. "Lynnea, this is Lara."
"So you're the infamous Lynnea that Dad always talks about," Lara smiled.
"Yeah, I guess," I smiled. Mom walked in with Deckard, Lucas, and Mr. Nobody. "Mom." I gave her a hug. "Mr. Nobody, am I off the list?"
"Yeah," Mr. Nobody nodded.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Lynnea," Lucas nodded. We walked over to the edge of the building, away from everybody else. "I've been meaning to ask you since we've been on the ice."
"We just got back," I looked at him. "One thing at a time."
"Am I late?" Dad walked in with Candie.
"Ollie, it took you awhile," Mom sighed.
"Yeah, the driver was causing me trouble," Dad replied.
"Dad," I smiled as hugged him. Lucas walked over to me. "Oh, Dad, I hope you remember who this is."
"Lucas," Dad smiled as he shook Lucas' hand. "It's been years, sir."
"Yes, it has," Lucas smiled.
"So, are you going to stay here, Lynnea, or are you gonna go back to Quantico with us?" Dad asked.
"I am going to stay," I nodded. "I already paid for a year."
"Lynnea, this is your dad?" Rome asked as he walked up to us. "Nice to meet your, sir." Rome held out his hand. "My name is Roman Pearce. I am your daughter's future husband."
"Okay, take a lot of steps back," Lucas stated as he pulled Rome back and away from Dad.
"Lynnea, do you want to explain something?" Dad asked.
"Dad, this is Roman Pearce. Rome, this is my dad, Oliver Queen," I nodded. "And no, Dad, he's never going to be my husband."
"What put that thought into his crazy head?" Dom asked as he walked over to us with a baby. "If Lynnea is going to have a husband, that lucky guy better go through me first."
"At least it's not boyfriends," Lucas smiled. I nodded. "Hey, when are we going to meet your dad?"
"Uh, that's impossible," Mom sighed. "He's buried in Metropolis."
"Mom, Lucas knows he's buried in Metropolis," I replied.
"Lynnea, it's still impossible," Mom nodded. "You have to talk to your Uncle Dean and Uncle Sam. I'll send you both on a place to Metropolis for the weekend but you gotta get your uncles to meet you there." Dad looked at Mom. "There's a reason why and you're going to be very angry at your Uncle Dean."
"I need to make a phone call," I sighed. "I'll be back." I walked inside and went to my apartment. I got out my cell and called Uncle Dean. "Pick up."
"Yeah, Lynnea?" Uncle Dean asked.
"What the hell did you do to my father's grave?" I asked.
"Well, that's a little harsh coming from someone who I barely hear from," Uncle Dean sighed. "What did I do to my niece this time around?"
"Oh, you know damn well what you did," I nodded. "Why did you put my father to rest?"
"Lynnea, he wasn't happy being stuck in the veil," Uncle Dean explained. "We had to put him to rest."
"You don't understand, he was at rest," I sighed. "He got to see me all the time and he was always there for me. Now, I won't ever get to see him because of you and I have a boyfriend who really wants to meet my dad."
"Take him to the headstone and let him talk," Uncle Dean stated. "You'll get that same feeling."
"It's not the same when the conversation is one sided," I replied. "When I go to see my dad this weekend, he better be there or else I'm going to track you down and make you bring him back."
"Track me down?" Uncle Dean asked. "I'd like to see you try." I got on my laptop and managed to get into God's Eye. "I promise you, Lynnea, cops can't even find me."
"Oh, you're wrong, Uncle Dean," I nodded. "You're in Souix Falls, South Dakota at an old junk yard."
"Your mom tell you that?" Uncle Dean asked.
"No," I nodded. "Look at Uncle Sam's phone and wave. I can see you." Uncle Dean looked at the camera. "Hello."
"How the hell did you hack into Sam's phone?" Uncle Dean asked.
"Like I said, I have my ways, Uncle Dean," I smiled. "If you don't fix this, my boyfriend and I will come down and make you do it."
"You and your boyfriend aren't going to stay together very long," Uncle Dean stated. "If you bring him into this, he won't."
"Uncle Dean, I date to marry," I replied. I turned around and Lucas was walking in through the door. I closed my laptop. "Fix it. I'll be in Metropolis this weekend."
"You're serious," Uncle Dean sighed.
"Yeah, now before you start going on about commitment, check yourself," I replied as I looked at Lucas. "My boyfriend and I have been together for three years and we're working on fixing our relationship since he was gone for awhile. You're about as old as Mom and you don't have a wife or a girlfriend that you can call yours." I looked at my watch. "I gotta go." I hung up. "Why are you in my apartment?"
"I came to check and see if my girlfriend is okay," Lucas smiled. I hugged him as he hugged me back. "I take it that everything is not okay."
"Not really," I sighed. I pulled away. "But I do have one question."
"What's on your mind?" Lucas asked as he looked at me. "Lynnea?"
"Are you really in, Lucas?" I asked. He looked at me. "I want to know if you're in. It's been three years and I feel like I'm losing you."
"Because we need to rekindle our fire," Lucas looked at me.
"Lucas, I need to know if you're in it. I don't care about the dating or anything," I sighed. "I am here with you because I'm talking about a future. I'm looking for a future with someone and that someone I want to marry."
"Lynnea, I want to be here for you, be here with you," Lucas nodded. "But with everything I could put you through, I don't want you to be in any more danger."
"And there's your answer," I replied as I grabbed my wallet and my phone. "I'm sorry, Lucas, but it was a mistake." I looked at him and there was a red dot on his shirt. "Lucas, get down!"
"What?" Lucas asked. A gunshot was heard and he went down. "Uh!"
"Lucas," I stated. I ran over to him as he fell to the ground. "Stay with me, Lucas."  I put a pillow under his head. "Lucas, come on." He held my hand. "Lucas, you have to stay awake."
"Lynnea," Lucas held my hand. "I love you and I always will." He grunted. "But this is why I can't be with you. You'll be safer without me."
"Lucas," I nodded as I started crying. His grip started releasing and his eyes closed. Mom and Dad busted in. I looked at them and back at Lucas. "No, Lucas."
"Lynnea," Mom stated as she walked up to me. He pulled me up and hugged me. "The cops have been called and they're on their way."
"Did they make it out of here?" I asked.
"Mr. Nobody got a helicopter to take them out of here," Dad nodded. Candie walked in. "Candie, I thought I told you to stay outside."
"Yeah, but I can't really beat anyone since you won't let me," Candie sighed. "Look, I really want to help."
Three cops walked in with a guy in a suit. "What happened?" asked the guy in the suit.
"Uhm, her boyfriend was shot," Mom stated. She looked at the guy. "Who are you?"
"Uhm, ADA Gabriel Lowan," he stated as he held out his hand.
"Katie Queen," Mom nodded as she shook his hand. "This is my daughter, Lynnea Powell. Her boyfriend was just shot."
"We've met before," he stated. "She calls me Gabe. She interned at the precinct for a while with Justice."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Now he knows where I live."
"And I will clean this all up for you," Gabe nodded.
"Okay," I shrugged. The cops cleaned everything. Mom and I were on the couch. "Mom, you need to go home."
"Okay, I did a perimeter check," Dad walked in with Candie. "You're going to be safe here for awhile."
"Awhile?" I asked as I looked at Dad. "Dad, I can't stay here if you say that. I feel like whoever did this to Lucas will come looking for me."
"I can have a guard stay here," Gabe walked in. "Have your apartment under surveillance 24/7."
"No, no, no," I pointed at Gabe. "I'd rather stay anywhere else but here."
"I can buy you another place," Dad sighed as he scratched his head.
"Dad, they'll only track me to it," I replied. "They tracked me here and it's under Justice's name."
"Then where?" Dad asked.
"Anywhere that the people who did this won't find me," I sighed. "I just don't want to be somewhere where someone can kill me."

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