Chapter 1 - When we first met

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"Man, that was the wildest mehndi ever!"

The DhoomBros just returned from a mehndi event that they had DJ'd and also did a dance at. The four boys, Waqas, Hussain, Shehryaar and Atif made their way to Hussain and Shehry's apartment in New York. It was quite late in the night, around 2am. Walking towards the elevator, they continued to discuss moments of today's night that made it so memorable. Hussain pressed the button for the elevator and within seconds the elevator had arrived; there was probably nobody using it at 2am anyhow.

The boys got in and pressed the button for their floor, but just as the doors were about to shut, footsteps were heard racing towards the elevator with a voice calling out in panic.

"Wait! Hold the elevator for me, please!"

The boys acknowledged the voice and looked at each other as one of them held the door, each of them waiting to see who exactly it could be at this hour of the night. It definitely was a female voice.

"Thank you...!" The voice said rather haphazardly, stepping in to the elevator and along with it, in to the space of the four boys.

Hussain took a second look at the girl, she looked beautiful with her big brown eyes and silky black hair. She looked out of breath as if she was running late for something.

The boys were unsure as to how they should react.... No problem? You're welcome? Wasn't it a little awkward already that a girl was coming home by herself at 2am at night? Was she in trouble? Did she need help? To avoid making it even more awkward, Waqas and Atif just nodded and gave a small smile before glancing to thier buddies who exchanged their glance. Meanwhile, the girl reached forward and pressed the button for her floor. Ironically, it was the same one as the boys. Hmm.

The elevator doors closed as the 5 stood in awkward silence in the elevator. All eyes stared at the top of the wall as the elevator dinged floor by floor, the light traveling from number to number, until it finally reached the number 5.

The doors opened and the girl stepped out and traveled left to presumably her apartment. The boys slowly stepped out of the elevator still a little confused at what just happened, but continued towards their apartment without making much out of it.

For one person however, there was much more to it than that.

That one person, was Hussain.

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