Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

I must not give away that I am military while on this plane. That would cause panic, and I stop panic. It's what I-no, it's what me and my team do. I am friends with the president and many representatives. It's one reason I was chosen for this team. That and my exceptional skill in battle and Army Ranger training alike. My team knows me as Boss, but my family knows me as Samuel Johnson. My family... My beautiful wife Erica with her flowing brown hair and blue eyes, my son Jeremy who should have his license by now god help us all, and my daughter Maddison who's smile makes me melt and give in in spite of all of my training. Then there is my team. There are 5 of us all together. There is me, the head of the team, them there's the 2nd in command: Isaac "The Wall" Daft who earned his nickname by being so terrifyingly large, then we have the weapons expert and team sniper Freddy Gunner who is the youngest person on the team, then there is one of my personal friends and the teams communications man Jonathan "shorty" Gall, and lastly there is Ben "Hawkeye" Armstrong the survailence person for the team. Currently we are headed to a remote town in Alaska. A town so small that we have to take HUMMVW's to get there. Right now we are on a plane that will take us to anchorage and from there we will catch a ride to the town. At the town the boys and I will be debriefed from our last mission stopping a Chinese ICBM launch on the U.S. Then we will finaly be allowed to go home... It won't be a second too soon seeing how we have all been gone from our families for nearly 3 months now. That is the only thing I don't like about these secretive missions... They keep me away from my family too much-

My thoughts are interrupted as the flight attendand says over the speaker, " message for Mr. Samuel Johnson in the cockpit."

"That would be me", I say as I make my way toward her. I take the opportunity to scan the rows of seats in the business class section of the 757 airliner. I become worried when the new kid isn't in his seat, but am immediately relieved as he steps out of the lavoratory and heads to his seat. When I reach the cockpit I notice that the pilot is someone I recognize from my days jumping from a c-130 cargo plane. He greets me with a curt nod.

"Hello, I was informed by relay from a predator drone that you and some team you are with are being routed to Colorado from here. You will get off ad normal and proceed to the waiting private Learjet nearby," the pilot says.

I ask, "So we do not go to the Humvees that were supposed to be waiting for us?"

He responds with a shrug and a shake of his head. Great, I think. My men are all ready to finaly sleep in their own beds and to ge to see their families. I am going to have to call my wife and give her the news. In the beginning she couldn't handle not knowing, but now she just sticks to the story that I am a traveling business man on a trip when I could be killed on a daily basis. I head back to my seat as the captain comes over the intercom informing us that we are making our final decent. Great even less time to put off telling my team. I hate this part of my job. They always try to act like they don't care and the 2 who don't have families back in GA honestly don't care, but the rest of us with our wives and children can't stand the being away. People who know about these jobs wish that they had them until they actually do. Your family never knows what is going on and you may never be able to tell them. I took this job because I will do whatever it takes to protect all of the people of the United States from outside covert threats. Once again I am jarred loose from my thoughts by the rough landing of our pilot. How did I know that he would do it just to make me smile? If that was the reason it worked as I can barely hold in the laughter at the true business men that are looking green due to the landing. As we stand to exit the plane I signal to the men that we will need to talk in private once we are off. I think as I'm walking off that we dont look like a team... Each one of us has a different hair cut, or style of clothing, but being a covert team we are allowed to dress any way we like and carry any concealed weapons at any time we like. As I think of the weapons my hand automatically reaches for one of the dual .357 magnum revolvers I keep in behind the head shoulder holsters. Reliable and simple just like me. The thought makes me chuckle and I notice the strange looks from the team. I look around and realize that we are now in a private room off of the airport's main corridor.

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