The gods meet their future children

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Percy's POV

UGG!! My head hurts. Annabeth has been going on and on about how happy she has been since we broke up. Yep that's right, the number one couple in camp broke up. Over what? You may ask, it was over the fact that I needed to stay at Camp Half Blood after the war with Gaia, and she wanted to go to collage in New Rome. Stupid I know.

You might be thinking, 'Hey, Percy is actually sounding smart!' Well after the war with Gaia I was also blessed by all the gods. Yep, even Athena.

Anyway, I was talking with Nico and Hazel, they came to camp for a visit, with Annabeth following behind us. We tried to ignore her but she won't shut up.

Then the ground fell from beneath us and we fell in.

Zeus' POV (Percy is 7 in this time)

We were having our regular winter solstice meeting, well more like fighting. But it is always the same. Then a loud bang was heard from the ceiling, we all looked up and 12 children fell out of a hole. Hestia created a couch for them to fall on and all but one did. The one that didn't land on the couch should be dead, no one can survive a fall from that height. Then the kid with raven black hair and green eyes got up. "Ow." Was all he said.

One of the kids on the couch started laughing at him. "Wow! This always happens! Are you ok?" A blond haired boy asked. "Oh, I don't know. I just fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground without dying, so much fun might I add." The raven haired teen said with the most amount of sarcasm I've ever heard. "Jeez, what did I ever do to you? You know what on second thought, don't answer that question." The blond said.

"WHO DARES TO INTERRUPT THE MEETING OF THE GODS?!?!?!" I asked in my thundering voice. Then the raven, that just sat on the couch raised his hand and started yelling, "Oh, oh, I do, I do, I dare interrupt the meeting of the gods." After he said that Apollo, Hermes, and Poseidon started laughing.

The raven haired kid got whacked upside the head and just smirked. "So, what are we doing here? You guys know?" The raven asked the other kids that fell with him.

"No we don't. Know can you please stop pissing Zeus off so much? No matter how funny it is." A Latino kid with elf ears said. Then a blond haired girl asked, "What is the year?" "The year is 2000. Why?" Athena asked. "Ugg! Great we went back in time." The blond said.

"Ok, who are you?" Artemis asked. Then a box appeared and hit the raven on the head. "Ow. Ok, who's bright idea is it to keep hitting me with stuff?!?" He shouted. He picked up the box and read the note on top of it out loud,

Dear demidudes, lady's, and Gods,
We have sent these demigods and some books back in time so that the gods will read about the future and will hopefully make some changes to prevent several incidents from happening in the future. The demigods will tell you their parents. And no one will harm the demigods (gods), the same goes for the gods, don't harm the gods (Percy).

The fates, Apollo, and Hermes

The raven looked at the other kids and sighed, " I guess we need to tell you our parents, ok I will go last because I don't want WW3." All the other demigods nodded. 'What does he mean by that?' The blond girl look a deep breath and said, "I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Then the elf looking guy said, "I am Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus." Then the Cherokee girl said, "I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." Then a buff looking boy with a baby face said, "I am Frank Zhang, son of Mars. And before you ask, the future is pretty messed up." Then the girl with gold eyes said, "My name is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. Born before the oath." Then the girl with roman armor said, "My name is Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona." Then a kid that had a red Kool-Aid mustache said, "My name is Dakota, son of Bacchus." Then a kid with teddy bears around his waist said, "Octavian, legacy of Apollo." Then the girl that everyone just saw get turned into a tree said, "Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, lieutenant of the hunt." At this Artemis paled thinking what happened to Zoë. Then the boy with blond hair said, "Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. Full blooded brother of Thalia."

Then Hera started her rant.

After a few minutes the raven got annoyed and yelled, "Quiet!!" Everyone stopped and looked at him. "Ok we still have two more people to introduce, so please stop arguing." The gods nodded and sat down.

Then the boy dressed in all black said, "Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades. Born before the oath." After he was done everyone looked at the raven. "My name is Percy Jackson," then a note appeared and Zeus read it out loud.

Full name
The fates, Apollo, and Hermes

"Ugg! Fine my name is Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon." At this Poseidon looked very surprised. "But you are only 7."

"Ok, now that we are all introduced, we can read the books." Athena said as she grabbed the first book."Its called 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lighting Thief'

Athena opened the book to the first chapter and stared reading,

"I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher."
"Are all the chapters going to be named this weird?" Leo asked. Athena looked at the table of contents and nodded. At this Leo gave Percy a look of awe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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