Im sick

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Chapter 3


I went to bed after saying goodbye to Jacob. I had the best night😊. Jacob is the best boyfriend ever. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about the way his lips felt on mine. -next morning- I woke up and my throat hurt so bad!! 'Oh no' I thought to myself I think I have strep throat again. My phone was ringing on the bed next to me. I can't talk so I ignored the call and texted Jacob and told him why I didn't answer. we texted for a while before he decided he was coming over to take care if me. 'Awwww how sweet' I thought. a minute later I heard knocking at the door I jumped up and ran to see Jacob. As soon as I saw him I jumped on him but then realized that I'm sick. I took a step back and smiled. We went up to my room. "Do you need me to take you to the doctor babe" Jacob asked in his husky voice. I nodded. I just needed to text my mom and have her make me an appointment. she and my father were both at work. I texted Jacob even though he's right next to me because of course I can't talk. it read 'Jakey since I'm sick that means no more kissin till I'm better' I looked at him with sympathy. "that's ok baby I just hope you get better soon" he replied as he looked at me.we held each other's gaze until my phone beeped implicating that I got a message that made me jump. it was from my mom 'I made you an appointment it's in an hour'. An hour for me to get ready I better get moving. I texted jake again 'I'm gonna take a shower you can stay here and watch tv if you want i'll try to hurry'. "ok see you soon" he said. Man I wanted to kiss him so bad but didn't want to get him sick. Or did I that means we could stay together longer. Hmm maybe that would work. No brain we are not putting that boy in pain. I hopped in the shower my throat still aching. I was wrapped only in a towel as I went to my bedroom to get dressed. Jacob seen me naked before but for soon reason I'm shy in front of him so I grab clothes and go into the bathroom to change. as I exit the bathroom I hear jake say " we could kiss and you get me sick so we can be together longer". I try talking and it comes out in a whisper "honey I wouldn't do that to you it's to much pain for me to give you". he chuckles "it will be worth it he grabs me by my waist and crashes his lips into mine. I hesitate and then kiss him back. I wrap my legs around his waist and he bites down a little on my lip asking for entrance and I give it to him . I used to think people mixing their saliva was gross but when your in love you don't care. I let out a small moan and pull away I whisper again we gotta get to the doctor". I hand him my keys and we leave. he has his own car but it's in the shop that's why I have been his maid and driving him everywhere but today he's driving me. we pull up to the doctors office 20 mins early and he looks at me with a devilish look in his eye. he reaches over and unbuckled me seat belt and I climb over to his seat into his lap and we make out for ten more minutes before we finally go in. "The doctor will be in in a minute" a older nurse says as I jump up on the table thing. The doctor comes in after a couple minutes which I'm relieved I'm ready to go I HATE doctors. "well I hear that you have bad a sore throat" the doctor says while felling my throat. Jacob clears his throat and speaks up "yea it started bothering her when she woke up this morning"he said kindly even though I could tell he wasn't happy about the doctor touching me. he was kinda young but he's not Jacob. I love my Jacob only."well let's have a look at your throat" the doc said while getting a Popsicle stick and flashlight. Well I've got strep:(. "I'll prescribe something for you"the doctor said "and no kissing"he added and smiled at Jacob. uhh I hate him!!!(the doc not Jacob) we left and jakey said "well we broke that rule".

Hey tell me what to you think in the comments is you like it or hate it tell me why love all y'all 😘

Xoxo Hannah

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