June | 2017 [closed]

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This is the June 2017 Romance Awards

(SORRY it's a day late. I've been travelling and my wifi is unpredictable. There is a chance that I won't be accepting entries until I return home on the 20th of May. But feel free to enter now anyways!)

This month I'll accept the first 10 entries or however many entries I have by June 1st (whichever occurs first).

You can enter your own book or you can nominate other peoples books.
You can only enter one book per contest.

Your story must be undiscovered! (Less than 1k reads)

It is not required, but it is highly recommended that you add this book to your library so you can see when there are updates.

Please follow these few steps carefully to be sure your entry is accepted properly. After you have submitted your book, please check back afterwards to see if I've accepted it or not. If I haven't, you can PM me to be sure I didn't miss your entry. Please be patient with me though. I probably won't accept each entry as soon as they're submitted as I do have a life outside of Wattpad.



1) Comment on this chapter using this format:

Title of Book: __________
Author of Book: __________

2) I will reply to your comment "Accepted" if you are one of the first 10 entries or if you submit your entry before June 1st (whichever occurs first).

3) Once I've replied "Accepted" your book will be added to the "Romance Awards- June 2017" reading list on this profile. It will then be judged throughout June along with any other entries.



June 1st-
-Final day to enter your book (late entries will not be accepted)

June 15th-
-Final day to enter your book in The 2017 Romance Awards

June 31st (unless I finish judging sooner)-
-Winner of the June 2017 Romance Award is announced
-Stickers are PM to the the winner
-Winners book is added to the "Monthly Winners" reading list on this profile
-Winner receives a follow from this profile
-Winner receives votes on their winning book from this profile



1st place Winner:

1st place Winner:

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Please know that even if your book doesn't win, that does not mean it was not good. syddo04 and I consult for long hours to determine which book wins, and it's not typically an easy call, so don't get discouraged if you don't win. You can always come back next month and re-enter your book.

Good luck!

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