Oliver! My Hero

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Amy's POV:

I sat in the car which was horribly silent. Sat between Kol and Klaus, I looked at my phone and began to text Jace.

A: Hey :)
J: Hey beautiful ;)
A: You ok?
J: Yeah. You disappeared after school and wondered if you were ok
A: Yeah... Family drama haha... 

Next thing I know, Klaus took my phone out of my hands and put it in his pocket. "You can have that back later" He said. In the front of the car, Elijah was driving and Rebekah was in the passenger seat texting Finn, Hayley, Jackson and Oliver.

We finally pulled up after the longest drive ever. Everyone got out the car and I dragged my bag out with me. I went straight to the door and tried to get up the stairs, but didn't manage a step before Rebekah was pulling my hair back. "Why the hell did you go to school Amy? Much less without telling us?" She said, still holding my hair. My fuse snapped. "Because I was trapped in a box thanks to you lot and I couldn't guarantee that you wouldn't put me back there to stop me from going. You are all still trying to treat me like I am the baby sister. I have grown up and I want to just be normal. I want to be able to go to school and have homework and have normal people problems, not 'Rebekah, why are there dead bodies on the lawn'. That is not normal and neither are any of you and I hate it!" I screamed. I walked out the room, only for Klaus to shoot into my vision. "Enough! You want to be a grown up, then start acting like one. Stop throwing strops and tantrums and thinking we are all gonna fall for the innocent act. You live in my house, you follow my rules" He yelled. "Fine then! I'm moving out!!!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone from Klaus' pocket with my speed and ran to my room. Pulling out my phone, I called the only person I thought would be able to help me right now... Oliver.

O- Hello?
A - Oliver? Thank god you answered. Can I come and stay with you for a bit?
O - Yeah course. Do I wanna know why?
A - I will explain everything when I get to yours
O - Ok. I will have dinner ready

I grabbed a bag and filled it with all my necessary things and ran. None of my siblings came after me. Not even Kol. I knew they were mad at me but this was just cruel. 

I carried on running until I reached the little house in the Bayou. Oliver was waiting on the porch and grabbed me in his arms, holding me against his chest. He took me inside and placed a bowl of rice and peas in front of me. "I'm sorry its not much but I wasn't expecting guests. So whats going on then?" He asked, taking his seat opposite me with his dinner. I explained everything to him and that night me and him climbed into the bed, his chest as my pillow, and drifted into the best sleep I have had since I awoke.

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