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As I walked down the pavement, I couldn't help but be excited. My parents were out of town, and this was my one chance to have fun without them being in the way. Tonight I was going to my first ever concert, It's being headlined by Falling in Reverse and Black Veil Brides. I've listened to them both for years, and have always wanted to see them live. Unfortunately my parents always have other ideas. "Tori, you need to be studying!" "Tori don't forget about your horse riding lessons!" "Tori you need to dress up today, we're having brunch with the Mayor!"

I mean it's not like I'm ungrateful or anything. I just don't want to be rich. It comes with too many responsibilities, ones that I don't think I should have to deal with. I'd rather live in a nice suburban neighborhood, with a best friend across the street, and parents that are always home. Not in a secluded mansion across the street from nobody, with parents that are never home, and only my maid, Marina, to talk to.

I guess the one good thing I have is my cats. They're my babies. I have three, all black and rescued the day before they were scheduled to be put down. They may look the same, but I can easily tell them apart. Nova, she's my first. I found her at a shelter that was planning to kill her because she was "aggressive" and " bad luck" Yeah, the second I picked her up she started purring and cuddling me. All she needed was a little love. My parents weren't happy with it seeing as she wasn't a purebred, but they got used to her eventually. Nova is a sweetheart she never leaves my side.

The second and third cat I got were a pair. Both black, but with obvious differences. Their names are Cheeto and Dorito. Don't ask me why...... okay it's because I was hungry. Either way, they're never apart. Seeing as they were the only two that survived in their litter I don't blame them. I wish I had someone like that to be with.

Thinking about my kitties left me distracted, and as a result, I stepped into a puddle and got my Toms soaking wet. "Shit, well fuck, that's just great. God dammit now I'm gonna smell like wet foot the entire night!"... stupid rainy Saint Louis. Well, at least I had some napkins in my purse. As I sat down to wipe off my foot though, a large truck drove by, drenching me in water. "Great!" I threw my hands up in the air, "Just great! Could this day get any worse!?" Cue mother nature's wonderful sense of irony, because a second later it started to rain again.

"Sigh." So much for looking cute tonight.

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