I must be dreaming

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"Hey, are you okay?"

Even though the voice sounded familiar, I didn't want whoever it was to see my tear stricken face. I kept my head down and replied with a sniffle and shook my head. I heard the person crouch down next to me then sit. I could tell by their scent that it was a man.

He asked, "what's wrong?" I wasn't sure how to respond at first, but I ended up saying, "What was supposed to be the best night of my life is ruined. My favorite band's lead singer turned out to be a total dick and my other favorite band finished their set before I woke up backstage."

"Why were you sleeping backstage?" He asked.

"Someone knocked me down and I hit my head."

"Oh. Can I see, I want to make sure you're alright."

I lifted my head up "It's not that ba-" Oh my God. No fucking way. Holy shit I'm dreaming.  Christian Coma is sitting right next to me. I didn't know what to say so I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. I must've looked like a fish.

"D-Do you know who you are!?" I exclaimed.

"Well yeah. Do you know who you are? You might need to get your head checked for a concussion if you hit it."

I gulped loudly and responded with, "Uhm sorry, I just didn't expect for the person sitting next to me to be you. M-my name is Victoria, you can call me Tori. I'm not still sleeping on that couch dreaming right now am I?"

"No, you're not. But it's nice to meet you Tori. I'm Christian Coma, but I'm sure you already knew that" He chuckled. "Come back inside, I'll get rid of that blood on your forehead.

I touched my temple and as I brought my hand down I saw there was blood. CC helped me up and we went into the room backstage. He sat me on a chair.

Holy shit... I'm sitting in his chair. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Okay, okay don't fangirl, you've already embarrassed yourself enough, it's only your most favorite band member in the entire world. God dammit Tori that did not help!

As Christian walked over he gave me a smile. He opened up a first aid kit and took out gauze to wipe my head with. After wrapping my head he said, "Now I think you're good for now, but we should probably get you to an urgent care to make sure you don't have a concussion." He handed me a water bottle. "Here, drink this, you need to stay hydrated." Heh, I guess all those fanfics are true... he really does act like a mother.

"ASHLEY!" He yelled "Come over here!" Around the corner Ashley Purdy appeared while texting on his phone. CC asked him where the nearest urgent care was. Ashley started giving him directions but stopped mid sentence while talking. "Go four blocks up and make a le-" He looked at me. "Well hello there beautiful."

CC smacked him upside the head. "Knock it off, can't you see she's hurt!" The two of them began to bicker and I couldn't help but giggle. They were just like and old married couple. As I laughed they looked up.

"Ash, you can sit in the backseat behind me and give directions. I'll drive." CC stated. I responded by saying "Really, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Oh yes you are fine." Said Ashley with a malevolent grin on his face. CC smacked him upside the head again and I giggled again. Christian picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the door. I blushed, I thought "He must be so strong." I'm not exactly light, I've got some junk in the trunk, so the fact that he was able to pick me up was pretty surprising. Then again, he does play the drums.

I was sad when he had to set me down inside the car. The little voice inside my head said to me, "Oh stop it Tori! Even if he did like you he's famous!"

I sighed. If only...

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