Seeing stars

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As I walked into the venue, I wasn't surprised to be getting weird looks. I mean who wouldn't look at a girl who's drenching wet with make up running down her face. I must've looked like I had just jumped into a pool.

Inside I walked over to the bathroom. "Good, there's no one in here." Sitting under the hand dryer on my phone, I scrolled though tumblr. It took about 20 minutes and a few odd stares from passer-bys, but I ended up being some what dry. After that I went up to the mirror and redid my make up. "Well, at least I look somewhat presentable." I mumbled to myself. It's not like I'd be meeting anyone tonight anyways.

As I finished up, I heard the unmistakable voice of Ronnie Radke coming through the speakers, and knew it was time for me to get out into the mosh pit.

He screamed into the mic, "Are you fuckers ready for this!?" One girl screamed and threw her bra at him. He responded by saying "Look at the color of this. You're probably a thirteen year old. Go back home, it's past your bed time!" I laughed my ass off while she stared at me with a cold gaze.

Later during 'I'm not a Vampire' a group of girls went into the pit and I decided to join them. Seeing as this was FIR's last song of the night, I figured I join the girls and do a little head banging myself. However, right at the very end of the song, the glaring girl from earlier slammed her body into me.

My head hit the ground with a thud, and before I passed out I could've sworn I saw stars. I never thought those cartoons I watched when I was little could come true.


I woke up a little while later, and found myself on a couch with an ice pack on my head. Across from me was sitting Ronnie Radke on his phone. I couldn't believe it.

"Good, you're awake. At least now I can't get sued because some girl got hurt at my concert for attention." He said. I was dumbfounded. It's not like it was my fault! the star struck mindset I was in went away instantly.

"Just get up and go already. And don't bother asking for a refund, it's your own fault that you missed Black Veil Brides." I-I missed Black Veil Brides? But this was my one chance to see them!

I was stunned. How could the member of one of my favorite bands be such an asshole? I mean I knew he has a song about being one, but this was a bit extreme! Not to mention, I missed my other favorite band's performance.

As I got up to walked towards the door, I thought about telling him what happened, but my head felt too woozy to even make a small retort. I  pushed past the exit door back stage, sat down on the ground with my arms around my knees, and cried.

The door opened and and I heard a familiar sounding voice. "Hey, are you okay?"

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