My Greatest Love Of All

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"Dedicated to the woman who fulfill my whole life,My mother"

They say memories wouldn't fade even if it happened a very long time ago if you put it in your heart. I must say i forgot almost everything before and pay my attention on my current life right now but i can still clearly remember the time my eyes laid on the lady who never forgets to lullaby me every time I go to sleep or whenever I cry.

At first I don't even know who's she until she taught me to say the word "Mommy". And after that i already call her Mommy.

She's the one who always gave me happiness in just doing some simple things like taking me to a fast food restaurant, a large playground inside a mall, telling me bedtime stories and many more

Years past, I started schooling and my father usually take me to school every morning and he's the one who's fetching me during our dismissal. But my mother is only taking me to school rarely because she have her work.

I remember one time while she's driving going to my school,We went in a different direction,I frowned in confusions and we parked infront of a bank and while she's doing some transactions,I end up playing with dried leaves that is falling in the ground

Evening is probably the best part of my day when I was child because my mother would always bring me something to eat that is from their office and my favourites are beefsteak and porksteak!

Many years past I moved to Grade school,It's really tough for me to adjust in a new environment but she's always there to support me. I remember she even do a pile of worksheets for me to do before siesta.

In exchange of my hard work in my studies is a recognition at every quarter. It feels so surreal while my mother is sticking ribbon to me infront of the crowd,feeling proud

One day i dream that I will be able to repay my mother and my father for all the sacrifices they went through to give me a quality education. I want them to repay by doing what we used to do back when I was a child maybe eating in a restaurant and taking my parents to their dream destination.My mother always tell me that she wants to go to Holyland someday with my father together and stay in a quiet calm place probably in a province. And I promise that I will grant their wishes when I grow up as they grant my wishes when I was young.

It feel so great reminiscing the good old times but apparently as i grow up I never became to clingy to my mother. I never hug her though kiss her or say I love you to her because it's awkward and embarrassing for me.

I also don't know why but all i can say I regret the days I haven't say I love you to her. Because I know in myself that I don't show my affection through actions but instead i feel more comfortable whenever I write it.  I remember one time I wrote a essay defining your mother and I forgot that I left it on my desk and eventually she already read my paper.

Though I'm grumpy and rude sometimes, She never gets tired understanding my dumb attitude of mine. Whenever I missed doing my household chores she's always there screaming at me saying "Isang linggo na itong damit dito turuan mo naman silang makabalik sa Cabinet!".

Though we always have pointless arguments over little things, She always end up forgiving and understanding me though I didn't deserve it.

I can say that Motherhood isn't very easy at all. Imagine that my mother carried me for 9 months with care and love she even had gone so much pain when I'm about to get out of my first home. Her womb. All the unconditional love she gave me since endlessly,The sacrifices she had to give for our needs,All the pain she went through that nobody can't take,All the joy she gave me before until now,All the endless support she's gaving me on what i love,The laughter,The Melancholy,The Moments with her - the moment I wouldn't exchange in anything.

My mother is one of a kind,She's just like an angel sent from the above. She truly fascinates me in any corner.My mother is the most strongest and bravest woman I ever had in my life and I will forever treasure her in my heart and soul. A million words isnt enough to say thank you and i love you to my mother but i want to take this moment and say I love my mother  more than anything in this entire world because She's my greatest love of all.

Your daughter


Date written: 05/12/17,Friday ||

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