1. The start

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I got up and went straight to the bathroom. 4th morning in a row that I throw up. I feel like crap. I must just have a sickness. But that's weird because vampires sicknesses only last for 2-3 days. The last time I felt like this I was pregnant.
"Edward!" I called out
"Yah" he answered with
"How long has it been since the 5th?" I asked
"15 days" he answered with
"Uh oh" I said
"Mommy"  renesmee said
"Darling, I need you to go to Jacob, the house next door and call him" I told her
"What can Jacob know that I can't" Edward said
"Nothing, I just, nothing, I would tell you if you needed to know" I told him
"Well I do, Bella, please tell me" Edward asked
"Bella, you called?" Jacob said
"I need you to watch renesmee tonight" I said
"Totally, but why?" Jacob asked
"Because Edward and I are going out" I told Jacob and I could feel Edward smirking
---Edward then left the room and gave me a kiss--
"Ok, not really, but I think I'm pregnant again" I told Jacob
"What?!" He said yelling but whispering yelling
"Yes, I'm late" I said
"Like period late?" Jacob asked
"Yes period late" I said
"Ok, but tell me once you tell him because I don't know how long I can go without yelling at him" Jacob said
"Hey, no, he didn't want to re-do it, but I begged him, I was human and then I turned into a vampire and I wanted to do it, he did it for me and he did it when I wanted to do it" I told Jacob, slightly mad
"Ew, Bella you didn't have to explain it to me, you could've just told me not to" Jacob said while lying
"Would've that stopped stopped you?" I said while knowing the answer
"Probably not" He said while not lying
"I know" I said
"I'm gonna tell him tonight but I'm gonna go see Alice, and see if I'm pregnant or not" Bella told jacob
---5 minutes later-----
They're vampires they could've been ready in less than that
"Bella" Edward said calling me
"Yes" I said while coming down stairs
"I love you" he told me
"I love you too" I told him
"I have something planned for you tonight" he told me
--I chuckled then---
"Can we make a stop at Alice's house?" I asked
"Yes, but why?" Edward asked
"I just have a gift for her since she's engaged" I said while lying
I hated lying but I needed to know the truth
I'm surprised he hasn't guessed I am
It's pretty much the same process when I found out I was pregnant with renesmee.

Hey Guys! That's all for this chapter! I promise they will be longer! I love you all!! I love twilight! And all right reserved to the creator! HEAR ME CREDIT:: THE CREATOR OF TWILIGHT!! Tell me what you think!

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