4.Caius Is Back

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"Renesmee can't re-live this, he's supposed to be dead" I said while going back and forth from the room

"Bella clam down, you're pregnant, you're not supposed to be worrying about this" Edward told me

"How can I not? I told him while painting around the room

"She's pregnant!" Alice said in a "surprised" voice

"I know you know Alice" Edward told her

"Ok; well then.." Alice said

"My new baby can't live with Caius again" I told them

"I can't have him or her having to get their memory's erased" Bella said

Renesmee then slowly walked into the room and fainted on the stairs

"RENESMEE!" We all yelled

"Clear the couch!" Edward said and we took off all of the jackets

"I'm gonna go get my water waker" Alice said

"Hurry!" I yelled

"It's already starting" I said

"Here it is" Alice said as she put the machine on Renesmee

"Oh please wake up" we all said

"Mommy, my stomach hurts" Renesmee said

"Oh baby your awake!" I said as I hugged her

"Thank you so much Alice!" Edward told her

"Baby, go lay in the other room and you can watch TV, mommy will make you some soup once we're done" I told her

"Ok" she said as she went into the other room

"Guys, I can't, we need to find him and put a complete end to him" I told Alice and Edward

"We can't just fight him with us two, we need everyone" Alice said

"Renesmee can't watch this, she must stay with someone" I told them

"Or we can put her in a barrier bubble, and she can stay on the mountain with some of the wolves guarding her" Alice said

"No, Jacob can't join" Edward said

"Edward..-" I then cut Alice off

"I'll talk to him" I mouthed from behind him

"What?" Edward said

"Your probably right, we'll see" Alice said

"We need to tomorrow morning go immediately go talk to your parents, we need as many people" I told them

"I'll talk to Jasper and then I'll get his parents to join" Alice said

"Well then it's settled, tomorrow morning we go directly to go talk to everyone, we need them all" I told them

They just shook their heads
I then went to go talk to Edward about letting Jacob in

"Edward" I said his name

"Hmmm" he said

"We need to let Jacob in-" I then got cut off

"No, Jacob isn't joining" Edward told me

"Edward, we need him, he needs to take care of Renesmee when we're off fighting, if he joins then we also get the rest of the wolves!" I told him

"Bella, if you really want it fine, but only for now, and also because you're really cute when you're passionate" he said as he kissed the top of my head

"Thank you baby" I told him

"Mommy, I'm starting to see this guy in my dreams" Renesmee told me

"Shit" I said quietly

"Ow, again, he came back, he controlled this army and he keeps on telling me about this army, kind of thing that he controls" Renesmee said

"Ok, baby, don't listen to him, I don't know who he is but that never happened" I said lying

"Ok, but he just gives me a headache" she told me

"I know baby girl, but it'll be ok" I told him

That's all for today! Longer chapters are coming! I just have finals this week so I won't update as much but I love you!!

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