9. Ima fight you if you don't leave

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I woke up to go throw out he trash and guess who I saw there?!
Jacob, fuckin Jacob
I whispered to the dog because I didn't want Edward to hear because I swear he will get up and kick Jacob in the ass!

I walked up stairs to go look at Renesmee and I saw the window open. I ran as fast as I possibly could and closed the window. I checked her bed and too late she was gone. I ran downstairs and woke Edward up.

We both ran outside.

"Renesmee" I yelled through all of the forest
I couldn't find her. Edward looked around and he couldn't find her. We were walking back and I saw Renesmee yelling at Jacob.

I grabbed her and this is what she finished with:

"Stop coming to me Jacob. I no longer count you as uncle Jacob because what uncle is this mean to her niece? We were best friends, but I guess I was wrong. Because best friends aren't forced to hangout and they like being around eachother. But I guess I was the best and I just needed a friend. But I haven't found that yet" she then ran upstairs

Edward then punched Jacob and I then started yelling at him:

Edward then punched Jacob and I then started yelling at him:

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I tried to stop them and Edward just kept on yelling at him. And I kept on telling them to stop but nope no help.

And then I went nuts:

And then I went nuts:

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I punched him too.
You hurt my little girl I mess with you.

Renesmee was having panic attacks all the time already and with Jacob like this it was no help.

One day Edward and I left Renesmee "alone." She wanted to stay alone, so we totally "did."
But secretly Edwards parents were watching her

Edward and I:

We went to a romantic dinner and made out and then I puked

"Wanna do it?" I whispered in his ear

"Yah" he said

We then did it...

We then came home and Renesmee was gone!
We thought Jacob would've taken her and I went up to his village house and broke down his door.

"Where the fuck is my little girl?!" I yelled at him

"What the hell bella?" He said

"I won't ask you again-" I then got cut off by Edward

"Your right you won't, I will, where the fuck is our little girl?!" Edward yelled

"I don't know, she ain't here" Jacob said

"Are you lying?" I asked

"No, go ahead check" he said

We checked and nope no Renesmee

"I swear if I happen to know you have her locked away some wear I swear I will beat the crap out of you" Edward said

"So scary" Jacob said with major sarcasm in his voice

For once I was hoping that Renesmee was in his house

We stayed up looking all night and we couldn't find her

"What if we never find her?" I said sobbing while walking home with Edward

"We will Bella" he said

"I sure hope so" I said

"I love you" he told me

"I love you too, but Renesmee" I then started sobbing again

We walked up to our bed and I found a note:

Dear Bella and Edward,
We happen to have your daughter with us. We have Renesmee with us and if you want to ever see her again you must let us win the war. And ps, in case you don't know who the fuck I am i'm Caius. No one will give her back unless I say they can. So you decide. Or else she dies.


"This means war" I said

"What does?" Edward asked

"What means war?" He asked

"This" I showed him this

"We will get her back and finish them once and for all" Edward said

Hey guys. This is a little filler. I'll have more coming. Sorry it's not as good. I have writers block. Hi  go read my other books and tell me if you want anything similar to that!

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