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Chapter 15| Live a little

"Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent."
Revelation 3:19


"I am going to be dead," I mutter as Ashton grips the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"No, no," I stammer quietly, "I enjoyed everything, it's just, I-I can't believe I fell asleep."

2:44 am.

I try to call my mom for the fourth time since I've gotten in the car, and again, there is no answer.

I start to panic.

My breathing quickens heavily, and I feel like my heart has a thousand ton of bricks on it.

I grab the door handle of Ashton's car, and he looks over to me concerned.

"Baylee, we are almost home, it's okay," he reassures me.

But my mind doesn't listen.

I begin to cry, feeling myself over analyzing what my mother will say when I get home.

Ashton pulls over on the side of the road, and unbuckles his seatbelt calmly.

I start to hyperventilate.

"Baylee," he says, "Baylee you need to calm down."

He reaches over and pulls me onto his chest and rubs my hair.

I'm still breathing unbearably hard. I snake my hands around his back trying to calm myself down.

"Shhh, hey it's okay, I'll go in with you," he suggests and I feel his arms embrace me tighter.

I begin to slowly calm down, I know I was going to pass out if I kept breathing so hard.

I jump up out of his chest, and reach the door handle getting out of the car for fresh air.

I pace and my breathing regulates. He gets out of the car and walks over to me.

"Baylee, you need to calm down. It's fine, I'll go in your house and talk to your mom," he offers.

"Oh I'm fine, nothing knew," I clarify and crouch down placing my index fingers on the side of my temples.

I am fully sick and tired of this constant anxiety. This is something that I have to live with and put up with. I, myself, have to suck it up no matter how hard it gets.

"Hey," he says crouching down beside of me. I feel dirt freshly touching my legs from the wind.


I slowly look up, and I see his pale green eyes. They almost look blue right now; like the ocean.

He looks back at me with caring eyes, and I feel his thumb tracing my hand softly.

"It's okay. In the end, it's okay," he smiles.

I nod my head, and Ashton stands up offering his hand to me. I smile and take it confidently while he easily pulls me up.

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