Just Saying;Naomi Files

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Hello reader,
Naomi here. Brief warning. There is French in this book. It is a theme I used to show the instability of the relationship between the main characters. The French is later used as endearments as it is the language of love. I therefore cannot and will not tone it down.
Please stop asking me to. The book is finished besides a bit(or a lot) of editing that I need to do. Again I say I wrote this when I was just learning French. There will be errors. Will.
Hope you enjoy! Love you all. Thanks for the votes and comments. For all of you reading any of my unfinished books, I live in Jamaica and I'm in 5th form or the 11th grade. I am currently in the process of doing CSEC, something like finals in America or SATs(it's not the same thing I'm just trying to give an idea of how heavy it is). I am studying and doing exams while being on study break and I cannot update. As soon as my exams are over, you can expect regular updates once again. Hope you understand.
For those who have finished the book I hope you enjoyed it and those just starting, happy reading!
          Much love. Naomi ❤️

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