Same Old Love; The Teigan Files

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         "Well Alessa just took Cade for a walk and since your here, the best time to talk is now,"I said stepping into his study. He had weirdly came home in the middle of the day without warning but at least we get to talk. Not like I wanted to. He swiveled his chair and faced me after a gentle silence.
         "You can't just get upset and walk out Teigan. That's not how you deal with issues. Yes I was wrong and I apologize, but you always do that. Get upset and I have no clue why then you don't even tell me when I ask. Up to now you haven't told me. How do you think I-"I interrupted him.
         "Here you go with that. Camden when you were in your rage did you remember the baby? Did you remember Cade? Did you remember that someone pregnant should not be put under a lot of stress especially if said stress can be avoided? Did you think about any of that? No, cause it was just you you you and pointing out my faults when you have greater ones than I do. It's hypocritical to do that. Even God said it himself. Think about others before you think about yourself. He said that too. Do unto others as he would like them to do unto you. Oh, he said that as well. The Lord is wise Camden and he said many wise things. Cut I out of your vocabulary for a day and you'll see how much more productive you will be,"I told him straight up, making no room for interpretations. He had no right to react the way he did last week and I was going to make him know that.
         "You still haven't gotten my point. You always walk away we never talk it out properly. You even wanted to forget about what happened last week. I can't just do that! Why would you?!"
         "Because you triggered memories Camden! Too many heart wrenching memories with every single word you said. You asked who was Brandon? The one who killed my brother. You sounded just like him. I doubt you take that as a compliment and trust me at this moment I don't care at all. Normally I spear your feelings but guess what. Enough with that crap because you never spare mine. You're basically a heartless heartbeat that destroys everyone with a lash of your tongue. You're scary, intimidating and down right disgusting. You may have gotten better but you're a vain and conceited arse who's just down right dumb without trying. You bring out the worst in people. You say you love me and I'm trying to believe you but hell you don't show it and it's always the same crap about it too. I know I-"
              "Stop lecturing me Teigan,"He instructed me. I stood straight up and looked him in the eye.
              "Stop talking to me Camden. I'm just you're forced wife. Not your chosen lover." I walked out and slammed the door behind me. So much for a damn talk. I headed up to my room to continue working on the last parts of my "little project". No was almost done with it. Most things were done and sorted out with the respective persons so I had no hiccups so far. Except the fact that I haven't told Camden.


  By now it was midnight. Cade was asleep on my bed, snuggled up in a little ball as a pillow guarded him from the edge. My fingers were flying across the keyboard as I ordered last minute items and started to short list applicants for the different jobs in my soon to be open business:
         At some point in time I felt my self fall asleep as I scrolled through some chair choices and ordered a refrigerator for the lunch room. I felt myself being lifted up amd me being stripped of my robe but I couldn't bring myself to open my tired eyes. Then I heard clicking and tapping after some delayed seconds.
        I opened my eyes and saw Camden, still dressed in his work clothes, clicking and the different windows that I had opened. I slowly got up being care not to shake the bed so I didn't wake Cade.
         "You're not supposed to see that,"i told him in a groggy as I pushed him away from her computer. I swiftly bookmarked and saved all my open pages and documents before he could see them again.
         "How did you-"
         "Why are you in here searching my computer?"I asked him. He straightened up.
         "Well actually I came in and saw you asleep and helped you to bed and got caught up in you amazing plans. Why didn't you tell me?"
          "Because when I thought of it I didn't know you. It was of no importance to you either. But now that you know, yes I'm starting my own business. No you can't and will not stop me. I already bought my working space, just for things to be finalized. My first game was released already so that I'm known when I release the next one next month. I'll start interviews for jobs next week. I was just finalizing my shipments of furniture for the place so there is barely anything you can do to prevent this." he looked at me and gaped. I have been planning this for months but I wasn't going to tell him. When he looked up and saw my drawings for characters, weapons and drawings upon drawings that were animated or are to be animated his face lit up. What the hell is happening?
           "You're amazing."
           "What?"I asked, clearly surprised at his reaction. All anger was gone and now stood admiration as he looked at me. I was stunned and shocked. I was expecting to get shouted at and tongue lashed. Not praised and basically congratulated.
           "You heard me. You're amazing."


WHAAAAAAT!!!!!!! She updated twice in a roooww!!! Yes she did yes she diiiid! Lol I felt guilty of having y'all wait so long last time so here is y im srry. So yessssssss. Now imma chill. Hope uu guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment. Love y'all. Laattteeerrrrr daaaaayyyyyzzzz!!!!!!

-Naomi ♡

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