Hyworthy Times Four; The Teigan Files

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      He stood their in the hallway looking quite dashing staring at me. Gaping even.
    "Tres belle ma femme. Tres belle." He said to me and I was glad that we were so far apart so he couldn't see how rosy my cheeks felt as blush crept up on them.
     "Thank you Camden. Shall we leave?" He slowly approached me as I slowly spoke to him. I didn't think he heard me so I attempted to repeat but the words got stuck in my throat as I felt his breath fan against my cheek.
     "Sure,"he said before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. One that made me feel something but I have no clue what it was. He then led me down the stairs and out to his car. I was a little confused.
      "I thought we were taking the limo." He shook his head and opened the passenger door for me and I slipped in. Why is he being such a gentleman? And why am I okay with it? He's suppose to be a preposterous little brat not a gentleman? I was "reved" from my thoughts when the car started. Camden's hand found my knee and I slowly removed it. Why is he being so calm? So decent? Why is he acting like a normal man and not a two year old? Not that I don't like the new change but the fact that he stares at my body and has a hint of care for me, scares me. In fact it terrifies me.
      "Teigan? Teigan. Are you alright?" I looked up and saw we were at the restaurant and then looked across at Camden who was looking at me with concern in his eyes.
      "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
      "Because, I have been trying to get your attention from before we drove in. Are you sure that you are alright?" I nodded and opened my car door and got out slowly. Camden closed the door behind me and lead me inside. After a brief talk with the hostess, we were taken to the table where Camden's cousin amd his wife were seated. His cousin got up and stretched out him hand towards Camden.
    "Hello cousin,"he said with a sly smile.
    "Good evening Jacob." He shook his hand.
    "And you are Teigan, I presume?" I smile, nodded and extended my hand.
     "Yes, I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
     "The pleasure is mine, please, both of you sit." Camden pulled my chair out for me and I sat down and pulled it back in. I sat in front of Jacob's wife and Camden sat in front of Jacob. She extended her hand towards me.
       "Hi, I'm Kylee and you're Teigan of course." I shook her hand with a small smile.
       "Hi. How are you?"
       "I'm fine thank you. And you." From her vocabulary and how she spoke, I figured she was American.
       "I'm lovely." I could tell she didn't really care. Through the night tension was high between Camden amd Jacob amd Kylee looked as if she wanted some. Every time Jacob looked at me, she shot daggers at me and asked me questions as she tried to subtly offend me,but I just smiled and looked away. Even as we ate she seemed to want to get under my skin but I wouldn't allow it. I leaned over and whispered to Camden,
     "I'm going to visit the restroom. I'll be back shortly."
     "D'accord ma femme. Comment ça va?"
     " Ça va mais elle est ennyueux." He chuckled.
     "Je suis desoleé cheri." I smiled softly.
     " C'est ça va," I told him before I went to the bathroom.I went into a bathroom stall and sat on the toilet. I swiftly took out my phone and sent a message in the Whats app group that consisted of D'Marie,Lizzy and myself. I knew I hadn't had enough time as to tell them about my torture, but I would tell them as much as I could.
      As I was about to open the stall door, a pair of heels started to click-clack across the gray tiles of the bland restroom. They came to a halt right in front of my stall. I fixed my clothes and opened the door, knowing that it was Kylee herself. An angry and irritated expression was painted on her face.
      "May I help you Mrs. Hyworthy?"
      "Stop that,"she said almost stamping her foot. I slid from in front of her and went towards the sink and turned on the tap.
      "May I ask what you are asking me to stop Mrs. Hyworthy?" She moved up beside me.
       "I don't even know. Stop not being...you you irritating Brit!"
       "May I ask why? I'm sure that's what you Americans stand for. As well as what my mother taught me." I smiled at her as I turned off the tap. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut in. "Before you say anything Kylee, yes I know you husband is attracted to me and no I'm not attracted to him. I do hope that helps you sleep at night. No if you excuse me, I have a dinner to get back to. It isn't polite to be gone too long you know." I flashed my smile once more and then returned back to the table. Camden stood up and helped me sit down.
        "Comment ça va?" I smiled.
        "Ça va bien merci mon homme." He seemed taken back when I called him my husband.
       "Excuse me what?"he asked.
       "Oh, rien." He smiled slyly.
       "Okay I think it's time for this to end,  "said Kylee as she approached the table. Camden nodded and said he agreed. We said goodbye and i received some fatal looks as Kylee slipped into her limo and I slipped into the passenger seat.


      As soon as I got home I went upstairs and started to change my.clothes. I only had on sweat pants when my door flew open. In my door frame stood my husband Camden who I wanted to yell at for coming into my room like that. I quickly pulled on a shirt as he stepped towards me. By the way I don't wear a bra to bed so...
       "My husband huh?"he asked as he backed me up into the bed. I fell over and on top of the bed.
      "Do not come over here Camden." He smiled slyly and bent over lifting my shirt and placing a kiss on my stomach. He kept a finger on me as i shivered. He smirked.
       "Ma cheri, I wouldn't dream of it." He stalked away and held the door knob. "Bon nûit ma femme." He closed the door.
       "Oh merede."


Yupp, update. For uu @AngelPrincess. Love all uu for reading this boo. Hope you enjoy!


Merede- shit

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