Mr. Protective, Mrs. Defensive; The Camden Files

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       "Ms. Safiyah King, I expect you to be by my wife's side when I am not there to protect her. I expect you to protect her and my children. I expect you to form some kind of trust relationship with her so that it will be easier for her to trust you Now let me tell you a few things. Her best friends are D'Marie McKinstry and Elizabeth Jennings. This is what they look like," I said placing two pictures  of Teigan's best mates in front of her. She took them up and examined them," This is her mother Kadeen Saunders, her father Uriah Saunders and my little sister, Brookelynn ,"I said tell her the names and occupation of each person. "This is Leon Jennings, Elizabeth's Husband and Alexander McKinstry, D'Marie's husband. This is my mother, and my little cousin Jacob McKinstry. I'm showing all of this for you to know that she has a good relationship with all these people. Now of course here are some people you don't let near her." I took out some more pictures, realizing that Safiyah's face was still set in stone. " My father, do not let him near her or my children.  Especially Cade. This is Brandon Davis. Do not let him near her. Do not let him see her, smell her, breathe the same air as her. He is highly dangerous and we are filing for a restraining order.  Now there are other people that shouldn't go near Teigan but seeing that i am not God, watch her. Watch how she reacts to people. Watch her facial expressions her body language. At first she may be hard to read but with this you need to learn how to. Remember she is carrying another child Safiyah. Protect her. Protect them.Do I make my self clear?" The body guard looked up at me from all the pictures that lay in front of her as she soaked in all that I just told her.

      "Crystal. Mr. Hyworthy. Before we leave this format is there anything else that I should know or keep in mind?"

      "Yes actually. Tell me when you leave the house and when you get back in. Tell me where you are going and when you are coming back. Be disciplined with this practice. Ok?" I was quite impressed and shocked at the same time that I did not scare this woman at all. The only other woman that appeared like this is Teigan, in a way.

      "Yes Mr. Hyworthy. May I please start my job now?" she asked diligently. I stood up and she followed suit.

      "Yes you may. She is at the second place I showed you yesterday. Her new business headquarters. Oh, also, when she does not have Cade or the future child with her, they will be with the new nanny Alessa. They have their own body guard, Robyn Montano. So you won't have to worry about the-" I examined her eyes because they had fell to the ground and her shoulders were now relaxed. It was the first time that her confident figure had changed into a less confident one because of the name that I said. Robyn Montano. She had short jet black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes.  Puberty sure did suck up to her as she was full of so much shape and gifted in the hip areas. Of course I always compared women to Teigan nowadays and she has an ass that no other can surpass.

     I smiled to myself. Robyn had the same confident figure that Safiyah so previously had with even more piercing eyes that she did. But I smiled to myself because I knew Teigan's emerald green eyes could out do her eyes any day.

     "Is there an issue between you and Ms. Montano Ms. King?" I asked with querying eyes.

     "Ah, no. Not at all. I'm okay," she told me almost rambling. I eyed her again and she stared right back at me. My phone went off. It was Teigan.

    "Well it seems that Teigan felt a little uncomfortable and decided to go home. She's six months pregnant anyways. I understand. So let's take the elevator down and I'll show you to your new car. Oh, that reminds me," I said running to my desk and retrieving an IPhone 6 ," her is your new work phone. You can keep your old one if you want or just use the new one but whatever happens that phone is your whether you quit, get fired or whatever. Same suit for the car I'm about to give you. Robyn has her own so you don't have to worry about that. The both of you will be living together in a house that I just so previously purchased that is across the street. Directly across the street. I'll also tell you the alarm code for my hose and the alarm code for yours. The house is the only thing that remains in my possession if I let you go, you go or whatever. Got it?" Yes I know, these terms are extravagant but her giving me back a phone I would have no use for and a car that I will have no use for is absolutely pointless so Teigan and I decided that we would just give it to them no matter what and that we would keep the house for future purposes. It was a great talk that we had that ended in a little excitement.

      "Yes Mr. Hyworthy." I gave her the keys and guided her out of my building and to her car and told her to follow close behind me. I drove in the direction of the house and smiled in content when I saw Teigan come out to greet me. It was November and she was due in a matter of three months. She was huge. But she was glowing and her hair had grown so long she had to cut a little of it off.

     "Hi Teigs, feeling alright?" I asked pecking her lips.

    " Yeah, just felt like there was a war in my womb and came home. The baby is moving around so much." She said placing my hand on her stomach. I felt a small kick and smiled at her. I kissed her temple and turned to Safiyah.

     "Teigan, this is your new body guard, Safiyah. I'm sure you met Robyn already." Teigan nodded her head.

    "She's upstairs with Cade while Alessa washes his clothes," she said before turning to Safiyah," Hi, I'm sure his has told you basically everything. Right Mr. Protective?" She asked me. I smiled nervously and nodded. "But yeah, I'm Teigan and this is someone one I'm waiting to meet," she said motioning to her stomach."

      "Hi Mrs. Hyworthy nice to meet you. And yes he did a very good job on informing me about you and your kid and kid to be." said Safiyah, taking her confidence in a again.

     "Going back to work Cam?" asked Teigan. I nodded.

     "Yes, I have to have a couple Skype calls to do and a document to go over with the lawyers and our lawyer. I'll be back before eight. I said looking at my watch that read 2 o'clock.  She nodded and kissed me good bye before going inside with Safiyah. Now about this restraining order...


DONT KILL ME DONT KILL ME DONT KILL ME DONT KILL ME!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SORRY! I had exams and then my phone was being a jackass and wiped my chapter and then remember my tablet screen broke so my last resort was my laptop and I was DEAD TIRED so I'm just getting to update. This is not my apology chapter. I will be uploading another one in less than an hour. It's a short one in Safiyah's POV so that you learn the history between herself and Robyn. Hope you guys can forgive the I! Love you all!!!! Thank you for being sooooooo patient with me. Has been 5 long days right? lol. Remember to vote and comment. Laaaattttttteerrrrr daaaaayyyyyyyyzzzzzz!!!

-Naomi <3

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