Chapter 9

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*3rd Persons POV*

The hybrid woke up to see hat he was somewhere that he didn't recognise. The sofa he was lying on was fairly comfy. As he sat up the room finally became familiar and a memory flashed into his mind.

"Alright love, you should stay here the night, I want to make sure you're ok." Klaus said calmly as he walked Ava back into the mansion. It was about 1 in the morning, the party was over and Ava was in no fit state to go home. She'd been crying into Klaus' shoulder nearly all night, telling about her messed up life. Klaus felt sympathy for her so he let her stay in his bed for the night.

Klaus quickly made his way up to his room to see Ava still sleeping. He quietly popped into Rebekah's room and stole some clothes. Somehow he didn't think Ava will appreciate wearing the same dress for today.

He placed the top and shorts on the end of his bed and glided downstairs to make Ava some breakfast.

About 30 minutes passed when movement could be heard from upstairs. Klaus placed the eggs and bacon on a plate and laid it out on the kitchen counter.

The hybrid was surprised to see that Ava hadn't put the clothes on that he had left out for her, but she wasn't wearing the dress either. She was only in her underwear. She obviously didn't seem to care the fact she was half naked and strolled over to him.

"I see you seem better." Klaus joked, pointing out her lack of clothes. She shrugged and sat at the counter.

"This for me?" She asked, pointing at the food. Klaus nodded and she pulled the plate closer to her and dug in. He found it fun watching her eat, she saw that he was staring and gave a clueless look.

"What?" She asked, still eating.

"Nothing, you look interesting when you eat. Also a word of warning, my brothers will be down shortly so I'd advise to put some clothes on or be ready for the comments." Klaus laughed, as if on cue Kol made his way down the stairs and his eyes fixed on Ava, even though she had her back to him, it was clear he liked what he saw.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here brother?" He asked playfully, giving Ava a dark smile as he walked past her. She just smiled back then continued to eat her bacon. Klaus only glared in reply.

"Really brother? There's a half naked, hot vampire in front of you and you just cook her breakfast? That's not the Niklaus I know. If it were me we'd still be in bed" He joked, winking at Ava as he'd got her attention.

"Really Kol, just leave the girl alone, she's had a stressful night haven't you love?" Klaus asked nicely, giving her a small smile. She nodded and finished her food. Getting up from the stool she turned to them.

"I'm going to get dressed." She said simply. She turned away from them, her perfect figure walking up the stairs back to Klaus' room.

"She looks tasty." Kol smirked, which caused the hybrid to grab a nearby knife and plunge it into his thigh. He collapsed to the floor in pain and quickly removed the blade from his skin.

"Next time I hear a comment like that, it'll be a dagger in you heart like last time." Klaus laughed smoothly as Kol gave him an angry look but Klaus simply smiled in return and washed up the dirty dish.

*Ava's POV*

So Klaus the almighty king of darkness just made me breakfast and comforted me all last night. I really think people are over exaggerating his evilness.

I slipped on the top and shorts which were a bit big. I'm pretty short but curvy at the same time, which meant that shopping for clothes was a nightmare.

I was just about to leave Klaus' room when Elijah appeared in front of me, making me jump a bit.

"Hello Ava, I didn't mean to startle you." He said smoothly, I shook my head and smiled.

"No I'm fine, good morning Elijah." I replied.

"May I speak with you?" He asked, pointing outside. I nodded and followed him out.

"I guess you and Klaus had a pleasant night?" He asked. Wait, did he think we'd slept together?

"Um, nothing happened, he just comforted me. I was upset so he let me sleep in his room and he slept downstairs on the coach." I confessed, looking into Elijah's hard eyes. He obviously seemed confused.

"Why were you upset, you seemed happy last night?" He questioned as we went over to the bench me and Klaus sat on last night. I sighed, great the whole story again.

"Its a long story, it started in 1872, when I met Damon Salvatore..."

I finished the story and looked into Elijah's face, his eyes looked sad, as if he felt for me.

"I see. And my brother looked after you?" He sounded surprised about Klaus' kindness so I simply nodded in reply. Elijah straightened his tie and stood up tall.

"I wont keep you any longer, go back to Klaus." He said kindly, vanishing after a few seconds. I shrugged to myself and made my way back into the house, I was walking into the kitchen assuming Klaus would still be in there when I stumbled upon Kol wiping blood off the floor and his leg.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, glancing over a knife in the worktop that had blood all over it. Kol's head snapped up and smiled when he saw me. Getting up off the floor he slowly walked over to me.

"Aw, I preferred you this morning. You know, half naked you" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him, only to feel a sharp stabbing pain in my back, I spun around to see he'd plunged the knife into my back and I couldn't reach it to get it out.

I collapsed on the floor in pain as I tried to pull the blade out but I couldn't get it. Kol walked over to me and crouched down to my face.

"Nothing personal darling. Just a bit of payback." He smiled, grabbing the blade out my back, causing me relief, only to have him flip my body over and plunge it into my chest and at the same time he grabbed a smaller one and stabbed that into my throat so I couldn't talk. He also snapped both my wrists with a one swift movement so I couldn't even help myself.

"See you later darling." He laughed, walking off. I writhed in pain trying to scream but the knife stopped me in my tracks.

I tried thrashing my legs around to knock something over. I felt a chair near my feet so I kicked it over. It crashed to the floor and I heard someone burst into the room.

"What the hell is- Ava." I heard Klaus shout and rush over to me, gently pulling the knife out of my throat and chest. I spluttered as blood spewed out of my mouth and I got my breath back.

He sat me up gently and held onto my hands so they were supported. I immediately pushed myself into him. Klaus' hands moved so he picked me up, sweeping me up off the floor and carrying me upstairs and onto his bed.

"Than- thank you" I breathed as my throat was still healing, it felt like I'd been drinking vervain when I spoke, it burnt like hell.

"Don't talk." He ordered as he pulled the bed covers over me. Even though there was wet blood all over me which stained the sheets, he tucked me in. I felt the mattress dip as he lay his body next to mine, he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me gently into his chest. We lay there for what seemed forever.

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