Chapter 23

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"You know we're going to be late?" I complained as Abi rushed around my house trying to get dressed.

"Yea well I didn't have much time to get ready for this considering I was helping you all morning." She pointed, giving me a look.

I laughed at her and picked up one of her shoes from the floor, I held it out to her and smiled, she cocked her head to the side and took it from my hand.

"Thanks." She mumbled as she buckled the straps on the black suede heels. It was an 80's dance so Abi was wearing a luminous yellow strappy dress that came mid-thigh with a bunch of bright yellow accessories. I was matching but with a bright blue dress instead of yellow

"You ready then?" I asked as she got up and sorted her hair out. You could clearly see we were related. Abi looked just like me but her hair was a tad shorter than mine, only coming to the middle of her back whereas mine went to the top of my butt.

We both had the same nose, mouth, brown eyes and we sounded the same too. If she were taller then people would probably think we were twins.

"Shall we?" I grinned, opening the door and walking out it with my arm linked around hers.


"Well don't you both look charming?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned to see Klaus in a leather jacket and dark blue jeans. Abi pretty much laughed when she saw him but held it in tightly. Klaus frowned at her.

"Sorry Nik, you look... um.. Tasteful." Abi managed to speak before bursting into laughter, I smirked a bit at her only to be glared at by Klaus.

"Good to know I'm still loved." he replied, some amusement in his voice. He reached his hand out and linked it to Abi's, pulling her into the school.

"Have fun." I sung as they walked in, I was about to enter when I was stopped by a hard chest.

"Going somewhere?" I looked up expecting Damon but instead I was staring at Kol.

"What do you want Kol?" I glared at him as he examined my outfit.

"Interesting taste, very bright." He smirked, ignoring my first question

"I'll ask again then, what do you want Kol?" I repeated, losing my patience, he raised his eyebrows and looked into my eyes.

"I'm looking for Abi actually, apparently Klaus is her date."

"Why do you want to see Abi?"

"Didn't Klaus tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That I'm the reason she was in a cellar for over 100 years."

"And whys that?"

"Because I fell in love with her." He admitted simply.

My jaw dropped. She's done well for herself. But why him? Ugh that's so annoying.

"And I'm also guessing that's why Klaus daggered you?"

"Yes, Klaus doesn't particularly like me being happy." Kol smiled, then turned and walked into the school.

This should be an eventful night.


I drank my third glass of punch and strolled out of the hall, just briefly walking down the corridors when I heard a boy and a girl talking. I focused my hearing on one of the classrooms and listened, trying not to make a sound.

"Listen, If Klaus finds us we're dead, we have to leave if we want to be together."

"But we cant just leave! What about Ava? Its been over 100 years. Just because we fell in love. No one should wait that long Kol."

"I know, I'm sorry. Cant we just be together? We don't have to leave." He persisted, his voice getting on edge.

"I don't know, Klaus could ruin everything again, we'll have to be careful." Abi warned. I then heard the delightful sound of them kissing. I pulled a cringed out face and sped away, continuing to the canteen where a dark shadow stood in the middle, considering I couldn't see who it was it made me uncomfortable.

"Hello?" I spoke, slightly nervous. The shadow moved over to me in a blur, I then noticed that there was a girl lying on the floor, I smelt the blood as soon as he moved to me, then I saw who it was.


"What.. what did you do?" I gasped, as he glared at me, his eyes glowing yellow and his fangs elongated with blood dripping from his mouth.

"I couldn't stop... she cut her finger... I.. I killed her." He stammered, before falling to his knees in front of me. I sighed and knelt down in front of him.

"Don't worry Tyler, it'll all be fine" I reassured, pulling him into a hug, I gently rubbed his back before I was violently ripped off him by a pissed off looking Damon.

"What the hell did you do?" He growled, pulling Tyler up by his collar and shaking him about.

"Stop Damon! It wasn't his fault, he's new to this remember." I pointed out. Damon held him there for a second then let him drop to the floor. I rushed over to the body on the floor and saw it was Kylie Harold, a girl in my year. I checked her breathing only to miraculously hear that she still had a weak pulse. So of course I bit into my wrist and held it to her mouth, keeping it there until she responded by drinking the blood that trickled out.

"She's ok?" I heard Tyler breath, staring blankly at me. I nodded lightly and pulled myself up, trying not to get blood on my dress.

"Well wasn't this a turn of events." Damon sighed, walking over so me. He ripped part of his shirt off and wiped over my healed wrist to remove the blood.

"Thanks." I muttered as he threw the fabric in the bin.

"No problem." He replied with a smirk then simply walking out the canteen.

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