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Chapter 10: Unresponsive.

Jai's POV:

My fingers slowly trailed along the cool, shiny bars that held me captive as I paced back and forth. Slowly, but steadily, my mind was conjuring up a plan. Honestly, I wasn't sure that my plan would work, but I had hope.

"I'm going crazy!" I shouted, clinging to the bars and feeling the cold metal press into my pale skin. If only someone - anyone - would hear me and come over, then I could begin my escape plan.

After going to Twilight Town with Axel, Roxas and Xion, redhead had decided it was in his best interest to return me to my cell and claim that Vexen had been experimenting on me all day. I think he wanted to forget about the events of the day... as if they stirred up something within him that he was unsure of or that he didn't like. It was his fault for taking me away from Vexen in the first place.

Reaching up, I grasped the girly necklace Axel had bought me, letting a content smile take over my lips.

I wasn't a delicate jewellery person at all, but this necklace was too beautiful (and expensive) - I just had to adore it. All too quickly, I wiped the smile off my face, my sharp features hardening into an indifferent mask.

"Hello?" I called, listening as the echoes of my voice bounced off the walls like trampolines. "Answer me, now!"

I heard someone shift and sigh deeply, their boots clunking heavily as they sauntered across the floor. Finally, someone gave in and headed for my cell!

"What?" a familiar voice growled in irritation.

I gasped slightly, my hand flying to my mouth in shock. "A-Axel?!"

"That's my name, you dork," he muttered with a roll of his enchanting, jade orbs. "Now what do you want?"

"A lot of things: a commodore, clothes, a social life, that new album by Mayday Parade-"

"I don't have time for this," Axel snapped, pushing his vivid, fiery spikes over his shoulder.

"So you have time to do absolutely nothing but hold your breath and stay quiet, but not enough time to have idle chit chat with your prisoner?" I scoffed. "Wow, Axel, priorities."

"I have my priorities. You're just not one of them," he spat harshly, folding his arms over his chest. I pursed my lips, and ran a hand through my silky locks.

"Well that makes me regret this a little less," I murmured.

Axel cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Regret wha-"

Through the bars, I jammed my keyblade, striking him quite hard in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, letting out a string of curse words. I raised the large key to the lock on my cell door.

"Come on," I uttered hopefully as my keyblade began to glow a soft white. The power that the keyblade held was unbelievable. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine something like this.

That power, amazingly enough, unlocked my cell door, flinging it open. The newly found freedom tempted me, almost calling my name. I soon realised that something, or rather someone, was calling my name in a raspy tone.

"Jai..." Axel clutched his stomach, rolling to his side on the floor. I winced, a wave of regret coursing through me. I had done this to him. Surely his reaction time was faster. He was gonna get up soon. "That stings like a bitch."

I stared at him in sympathy, chewing on my lip. Am I really just gonna leave him there to suffer and writhe in pain? I shook my head to will the thoughts away, steadily heading in the direction I assumed to be out of the damned place.

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