Chapter 10 - I Won't Give In

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Theo POV

"Theo, you are needed in the basement. Cell three." His voice rang in my head. 

I sigh as I open my medicine cabinet and grab my bag of supplies, not looking forward to the mess I am going to be cleaning up today. I don't even know why he wastes the supplies on these rogues when all he is going to be doing is torturing them again. It makes no sense to me, but who am I to question the Alpha

I close and lock the cabinet behind me and leave my office. Heading towards the stairs, I nod at the various pack members who I pass in the hall. One man catches my attention. He has a black eye and deep scratches down his bare chest. I stop and take a step towards him. 

"Terrence, those scratches need cleaning. After I am done in the basement, I will tend to them okay?" I say sternly. Eyeing them curiously, I ask, "How did you get them?"

"Don't you worry about them, Theo. This is nothing of your concern." He sneers and pushes past me, storming down the hall. A familiar scent hits my nostrils, but I can't quite place it. Shaking my head, I continue on to the basement. 

As my hand touches the door to the basement stairs, I hear a cough behind me. "Theo?"

I turn to see Beta Larson looking at me. His face is solemn and his body is tense. He looks like he has something to say, but he is scared to vocalize his thoughts. He shakes his head and says quietly, "It's not pretty. Just, um. Be prepared." Then he walks away from me. 

Before I head down, I take a deep breath and push away the thoughts that are clouding my mind. The second I open the door, I am met with the scent of blood, feces, urine and fear. However today, there is a new scent mixed in there. A familiar scent. 

It can't be. My wolf, Ivar, states as I slowly step down the stairs. 

I walk past the first two cells that hold starving rogues and slowly step into the doorway of cell three. That familiar scent is stronger here and so is the stench of blood. Rage can be felt in waves as I step closer to the cell to see what, or better who is inside. It's dark, but my wolf eyes can see pools of blood on the floors as well as bloody handprints on the walls. A shadowy figure is sitting in the corner of the cell. I carefully unlock the door and step inside.

The figure doesn't lift their head so I cough in an attempt to get their attention. Still nothing. I sigh as I walk over to the light switch, attempting to stay away from the still wet blood. Flicking the light on, I gasp at who it is in front of me. 

"Skylar?" I whisper quietly as I look over her. She is naked, sitting in the corner with her head down and her knees bent to her chest. She has bruises and gashes all over her legs and arms from what I can see. Her hair is matted with what looks to be blood. She looks awful. I can feel her hatred and anger, and I think that's what scares me the most. 

I slowly walk towards her and bend down beside her. "Skylar, I am here to help you. Look at me." And she does. Her beautiful hazel eyes are gone and replaced with dark eyes that would kill me if they could. Tears stain her bruised cheeks. Her once soft, plump lips are double their size and the bottom lip is split. 

"Theo?" She croaks. 

I open my bag and pull a water bottle out for her to drink. "Here, drink this Skylar," I demand and force the bottle to her lips. She slowly sips at the drink, then pulls away coughing.

"I can't." She says with her raspy voice. "It hurts."

"Can you mind-link me and tell me what happened?" I ask carefully. 

"No." She simply states and turns her head to look at the wall. 

I carefully bring my hand to her cheek and turn her face towards me. "Skylar, I need to know. I want to help you." 

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