Chapter 21 - War

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Warning: There is a lot of switching between characters in this chapter. 

Larson POV

It amazes me to this day how I can stand with Colton. The things he does disgusts me. Threatening to fuck your mate in front of her father? Who does that?!

I hate him. I really do. He lives up to his reputation and every day he makes me hate him more and more. Yet every day, I put on a face and make him believe that I am loyal to him. I don't know why. Maybe I am a coward. Maybe if I spoke up once and a while, things like this war wouldn't happen. Maybe...

Who am I kidding? This is Alpha Colton Myers. He is driven by his thirst for power. He does what he wants when he wants and there isn't a God damn thing anyone can do about it.

I was really hoping finding his mate would help him in some way, but clearly, that was a bust. Look how he treats her! I feel terrible for her and I just let it happen. I'm just watching Theo walk her off to the dungeons.

Something has to change. I have to change. I can't keep living with my myself. I don't care if he kills me. I need to put an end to this madness. 

Theo POV

"It's for the best," I say as I hand Skylar the key to the cell door. I give her a wink and run out of the cellar. 

All I can hope is for Skylar to use that key to get away from here. I don't care if I never see her again, I just can't let her live with Colton anymore. I would do anything if it meant for her to be safe. That's all I want. I pray that she runs far from here. My fingers are crossed that he never finds her again. 

And that thought makes my heart break into two. There is no denying that I love Skylar. I really do. But I could never have her. I could never hold her. I could never kiss her. She would never be mine with Colton around. The only way I could possibly have her is if Colton died, but the likelihood of that - well, it's non-existent. 

Once I reach the forest, I shift into my wolf and run towards the pending battle. I am not much of a fighter, but that doesn't mean I'm not needed. I am the pack doctor. I need to be there to tend to the wounded. It's my job and it's what I will do no matter how much I disagree with the reasons behind this petty war. 

It isn't long for my eyes to land on the backs of eager wolves waiting to pounce. I slow to a light jog and find my place amongst them. Now it's time to wait for our signal to act. 

Colton POV

A howl rips through my mouth, filling the evening sky. It's a call to all my warriors, telling them that the time is now. 

The thunderous sound of paws against dirt echoes behind me as hundreds of wolves run forward to fight for their Alpha and Luna. Growls and snarls escape their mouths. Excitement and bloodthirst dances in their eyes. They came for a fight and a fight they will get.

My eyes land on Gerald. I can see his hesitation and panic as he releases his own howl to signal his wolves to fight. Chaos begins as wolves run to each other. Jaws snap on opposing wolves necks and limbs. Whimpers of pain create the song of war along with cracks of broken bones and cries of lost battles. 

I see my Beta and brother in the madness. Larson is tearing through wolves left and right, a lust for blood evident in his blackened eyes. Theo is tending to my weaker warriors. The sight of them disgusts me. It's too early for them to be laying on the ground in defeat. They will learn to be stronger soon enough. Or they will die trying. 

Now it's my turn to have fun. I search the clearing until my eyes focus in on my first target. Alpha Gerald. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a small nod. I take a step towards Gerald, slashing a daring wolf's neck as I do so, and he does the same. His body tells me he is ready, but his eyes tell a different story. I can see his nerves playing against him. This old man isn't ready for this fight. Should have thought about that before he showed up in my domain. 

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