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"Who are you?", I wanted to speak clear and loud but what came out of my mouth sounded more like a whispering than a voice. The jackal-headed person scrutinized me seriously, then he turned his back to me and took a step away. He was going through the big Marmor lined hall. "Wait!", my voice sounded louder than before. Apparently he heard me.

He turned his animal like head aside and talked with a dark deep voice "Follow me.", after that he continued walking his path through the hall. Something deep inside me told me that I should obey him. I stood up really slowly, no matter how I moved my body was aching. But I followed him. After a little while I caught up to him quietly. After the endless seeming hall, we came to a big, golden with sapphire decorated door. The room behind it was open to the right, left and front. Big stone pillars supported the ceiling and allowed the look outside at a desert. In between them were something glass like what was transperent from this side but not from the other I assumed. Nevertheless his open appearance the room smelled musty like a cave.

In the middle of the room I saw a throne like shaped stone. Behind it was another person. He was also extraordinary like the jackal man. His skin was green and he had a Turban like crown on his head. "Anubis, you're late. I told you to be here before midnight.", the man said with a rough voice. Just by now I realized it was night and looked around deeply confused. It doesn't seemed to me like it was the middle of the night. I could see everything and even the smallest detail in the room. Before I could give it a second thought the jackal-headed person beside me spoke up.

"I'm really sorry, but I had something important to do in the human world.", the jackal... Anubis answered. "What could be so important that you forgot me?" the man asked threatening. "The balance between Maat and the pure Chaos, Osiris." I' didn't understand the meaning of those words but when I tried to follow him towards the green man which he called Osiris, I recognized a moving... something on the floor before the throne shape. "Ammit!" Osiris shouted. Suddenly a little dog like creature looked at me.

When 'it' came closer to me I identified it as a strange but terrifying mix between a Lion a Crocodile and a hippo. The thing bared its teeth and stared at me with his reptile-like eyes. I decided not to move a muscle. "Osiris stop it. It's her! She finally came back to us!", Anubis voice raised a little.

"Are you sure?", Osiris asked after a little pause. Then he came towards us and took a closer look at me. "By Horus and by Isis, you are right!", all of a sudden Osiris became ecstatic and I didn't really know what to do or say. "Who?" I asked confused. Surprisingly Anubis smiled and looked really happy. "Bastet, don't joke around! Finally you reincarnated! You took a lot of ages plus it was really hard to find you this time." He said it like to an old friend. My confusion was perfect.

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