The Fall

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[AN: Hey, guys! I just wanted to say I'm sorry for taking SO. FREAKING. LONG. to update this story. Honestly, time got away from me. I haven't opened or touched my laptop in weeks, hence no new chapters and no visible sign of life from me. I'm trying to get back into it, so hopefully I can roll out new chapters sooner than very later. Thank you for all your support!]




If Draco pulled himself away from comfortable sheets while a warm, soft body slept next to him, smelling of something sweet and a hint of cinnamon, then he blamed it on restlessness—not inner turmoil the cause of his tossing and turning, making him think things someone like him should not be thinking of. It was that same restlessness that made him pull on a charcoal-colored jumper and black trainers (yes, he owned fucking trainers) before he made way into the Floo.

Some other time, once he was no longer concerned with himself and he could spare some for others, Draco would tell Theodore Nott he needed to upgrade his shoddy security wards. It took him less than thirty seconds to break past the enchantments without the walls of the home producing so much as a tremor to signal the intrusion. Draco made a beeline for where he knew the master bedroom to be; once pushing the door open, the moonlight pouring in through an open window allowed him to locate Nott's wand discarded on top of a pile of clothes (which included a woman's silky undergarments). Hovering over the bed, Draco reached the figure on the left, yanking hard on his arm.

Theo landed on the ground tangled in his sheets, narrowly missing the sharp edge of his nightstand on the way down. As a reflex from having lived through a war, his hands searched for his wand in the radius around him, but when he did not find it, he surged up, flailing arms to use his fists as his weapons of last resort.

"I need your complete focus right now, Nott." Draco snapped his fingers over Theo's face, forcing the latter to clock in on him.

"Malfoy?" Theo stumbled after Draco forcefully pushed his wand into his hand, his limbs still weak from the deep sleep he had been rudely roused from. "Mate, do you even know what fucking time it is?"

"Four in the morning," Draco said offhandedly as he reached over to have Theo point his wand at him. "Now do it."

"Do what?"

"Check if I've been put under the Imperius Curse," Draco snapped, ire narrowing his silver eyes, like the request had been so obvious it did not need any explaining.

With eyelids heavy with sleep, Theo tiled his head to the side to better inspect his friend. "Why would you be under an Unforgivable? Did you have a sex dream about Pansy again? I told you she's been biding her time with Weasley until you lowered your guard so she could use some love potion to get you back."

A loud scoff echoed around the room that came from the figure on Theo's bed that had previously been asleep. Turning over into a sitting position, Astoria Greengrass narrowed her eyes at the two men, but still had a smirk pulling at her lips.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen," she said to Draco.

"Fuck you."

Astoria's smirk glittered devilishly. "You already have. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be."

"Funny," Draco bit back, "that's not what your mother said."

Despite the lethargic state of his reflexes (and mind), Theo was savvy enough to put himself between Draco and Astoria. Just because she liked to keep her fingernails perfectly manicured and clothes wrinkle-free did not mean Astoria would not succumb to fists for retaliation. Especially when it concerned Draco Malfoy. She would gladly wrestle in mud if that meant she could strangle the life out of him.

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