Chapter 10

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Hacking, Sahara snorted a spurt of flame.

The unfamiliar sensation of fire singeing her nostrils left her with  her wings in front of her face.

"Are-Are you okay?" The one named Prickle asked.

Sahara's cheeks tinged an embarrassed red, she nodded.

An older SandWing gave her an odd look.

The rest off the day passed quickly. All Sahara really remembered was the new cave she was supposed to go to.

As the class was dismissed, Sahara plodded out of the cave and down the hallways.

Tail lashing, a giant SkyWing stormed down the hallway, tailed by a slightly smaller, more jewelery-laden orange dragon.

The second SkyWing muscled past Sahara, narrowing her eyes.

Sahara shyly secluded into a nearby cave.

Was that Raptor?

Overcome with curiosity and admittedly a tinge of jealousy, Sahara waited for the dragons to pass and crept down the passageway behind them.

"Come on, Raptor. You have to be Clay. You were, like, meant for it!"

"Three moons, Citrine, just because we're arranged to marry like fifty million years in the future, doesn't mean you have to be hanging onto my tail every chance you get. Go and have a normal life until the time comes."

"But if I'm gonna be Peril, it's only fitting you're Clay!" The one named Citrine whined.

"And what about the other dragons in our winglet?" Raptor lashed his tail.

"They can be whatever they want." Citrine dismissed.


The two SkyWings' argument faded away as they continued down the hallway.

Sahara trembled with some unknown emotion. Her talons tapped furiously on the stone and her tail lashed dangerously.

Stinging tears burned her eyes and she raced back to her sleeping cave.

Plowing into the sand, she payed no attention to the black dragon next to her.

" okay?" Starmind asked.

Sahara sat straight up dazedly.

"I-I'm okay. Just a little...shaken, I guess." She focused in on Starmind's wing, the starry scales filling her mind.

"Uh-huh. You know, Conch forgives you, right?" Starmind told her.


"Mm-hmm. She just wishes you would talk to her."

"Oh-Okay, I guess that's not too bad. I kind of want to go to the library right now, though."

Starmind sat up and grabbed Sahara's arm.

"I forgot! The first meeting of Scavengers United is today!" She practically yelled.

Sahara found herself being whipped through a hallway to the library before she even knew it.

The stone skidded under her talons as she snapped her wings open to keep aloft.

The library was empty, other than the NightWings at the desk, an IceWing by themselves, and a lone SeaWing the color of light jade.

"Seafoam!" Starmind said. The SeaWing looked up and grinned. The scroll in his talons crinkled as he stood up.

"Starmind! I didn't think you'd make it!" Seafoam exclaimed.

Sahara StormWhere stories live. Discover now