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A/N A few weeks passed and Cassidy and Red continue to fall in love but haven't admit it to each other. Cassidy still needs a to do the world tour, will she stay or leave? How does Red feels about it? I dont own Angry Birds.

They few weeks passed by in a blink of an eye. Red and Cassidy continue to date and everyday their love would blossom, but they have not said 'I love you' to one another just yet. Unfortunately as time went on, Cassidy forgot about the tour until one day, she was getting ready for her date again.

"Let guess another date?"

Pedro asked


Was all Cassidy said before looking at herself in the mirror once more.

"I don't think you should be taking this relationship to seriously, Cassidy"

Nico said concerned

"And why not?"

Cassidy questioned turning around by Nico's statement

"Did you forget, we are still in the world's tour!!"

Pedro yelled.

"Oh my gosh!!, I totally forgot. W-When will we be leaving?"

Cassidy asked worried

"Later on in the afternoon."

Nico replied

'How am I going to tell Red'

Cassidy thought

"I'll meet you guys at the shore before we depart, I promise."

Cassidy said with a fake smile, inside she was torn apart.

"Okay, see you soon"

Nico said kindly. Cassidy then went off to find Red. They went out to a café restaurant

"Red, I had totally forgot about the world tour, I guess I was having to much fun and it slipped my mind."

Cassidy started to say

"Later on today me, Nico and Pedro will be leaving"

Cassidy finished.

"Wh- i- wow time really did fly huh"

Red said trying to smile, Cassidy send him a sad smile.

"So this is where we end everything"

Cassidy said sadly

"Hey, listen I'm not going to stop you from living your dream, you came this far, so don't stop here."

Cassidy honestly didn't want to leave, she also loves the tour but she loves Red more. Red and Cassidy went to the shore to meet up with Pedro and Nico, every bird from the island went to the shore as well to wish them farewell. Red and Cassidy hugged each other the longest and finally let go when Pedro yelled

"Alright let's get this party started"

Cassidy then flew to where Nico and Pedro were at and waved saying good bye. Cassidy gave one last look at Red and flew away with tears coming out. Nico, Pedro and Cassidy were a few miles away from the island, but yet Cassidy continued to cry and stop to look at the island with a sad smile. Nico and Pedro looked at Cassidy, Nico then nudge Pedro to tell her

"Hey, you know what girl, I think its best if you would stay"

Pedro said

"What no. I'm fine its just...."

Cassidy couldn't finish her sentence

"We know, go and get him. We'll miss you"

Nico said with a smile. Cassidy couldn't speak and just hugged the guys

"Thank you, I won't ever forget you guys"

Cassidy said before flying back to the direction of the island. When Cassidy got close, she see all the birds of the island were gone except for three birds. Chuck, Red and Bomb, Cassidy then flew faster seeing Red was walking away. Cassidy smiled and did a screeching bird sound which causes red to stop and turn but was knocked down to the sand with a force, someone's beak was against his, Red opened his eyes and couldn't believe it, it was Cassidy. They both got up from the sand, Red was happy and excited

"What's going on your friends are leaving without you"

Red said

"No I'm staying for good. I- I love you Red"

Cassidy said with a blush on her face.

"I love you too Cassidy"

Red said before pressing his beak against Cassidy's. Red then pulled apart,

"Wait, what if your friends have become famous, wouldn't you want that?"

Red asked just so they were clear because it was a big decision.

"I don't care if my friends get famous, because all I know is that I'll have you"

Cassidy said sincerely. Red smiled that was all he needed to hear before pressing his beak against hers. Chuck and Bomb were looking at the beautiful moment.


They both said but started spitting and coughing when sand was thrown at them by Red and Cassidy.

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Angry Birds: Red X OC (Cassidy)Where stories live. Discover now