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A/N Stella gets jealous from Red and Cassidy's relationship and tries to break them apart. I don't own Angry Birds.

Its been a few years has passed and Cassidy and Red got adjusted living together. Red has never been this happy he had a beautiful wife, a home and great friends, he didn't know his life would come this far, he felt change in a positive way and everyone else on the island can see this new change on Red. Unfortunately because of that good change it caught other single female birds attention. Stella was the main one, that actually took things into her own hands and tried to break Red and Cassidy up. Stella was so close to succeeding. Cassidy and Red were walking into town hand in hand everyone greeted them but some ignored them. Cassidy was inside the store trying on a hat, while Red was outside waiting next to the store. Stella saw Red alone and she took the opportunity to talk to him

"Hey Red, it's great to see ya"

"Oh, hey Stella what's up?"

"Oh nothing much except for this rumor going around"

"What rumor? I haven't heard nothing about it, but maybe Chuck would know about it"

"Yeah maybe, anyways the rumor going around is that Cassidy is sleeping around with other male birds in the middle of the night"

"What?! No that can't be you're wrong, Cassidy isn't nothing like that"

"Hey I'm just telling you what the rumors are, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news Red"

Stella said walking away and hiding behind the store to see what Red would do. Red was so angry and hurt he couldn't think straight, when Cassidy came out of the store with the new hat, she saw Red but she felt like their was something wrong.

"Hey, Red are you okay?"

"I'm great, fabulous"

He said angrily and annoyed

"Hahaha okay now tell me what wrong?"

"You're taking everything like a joke and you know what you're probably taking me as a joke"

"What are you talking about?"

Cassidy was confused she didn't understand why Red was so angry

"Answer me this, why are you always out in the middle of the night?"

Cassidy didn't answer because she had a surprise waiting for him, so Cassidy said nothing. Red was hurt deep down, but he wasn't going to let Cassidy get the best of him.

"I believe I got my answer. We're done"

He said coldly walking away

"What, hey sweety let's talk about this"

Cassidy said flying towards him. Red was so angry he grabbed Cassidy's hat that was in top of her head and smash it to the ground stomping in it and walking away. Cassidy stood there shock and hurt in front of every one in the village. Night time arrived, Cassidy slowly walked to Red's home and softly knocked in his door. Red answered but when he saw Cassidy he slammed the door back in her face. Cassidy was in the verge of tears.

"Red, please can we talk about this?!"

Cassidy yelled behind the door

"Go away"

"Is that what you really want? Because if it is, then I will do anything to make you happy Red.....I love you"

Cassidy was broken and then flew to a cliff far away from Red's home. Morning arrived and their was another knock on the door, Red went to answer and it was Chuck.

"Hey Buddy, you don't look so good"

"Nice to see you to Chuck"

"What happened"

"Oh, nothing much just broke up with Cassidy"

"What why?!"

"Their was a rumor going around that Cassidy was sleeping around with other birds in the middle of the night. I asked her about it but she wouldn't answer me so I knew she wouldn't tell me"

"Wow, that's weird. That's not the rumor i heard."


"The real rumor going around is that Cassidy was planning to surprise you with a giant party to tell you that's she is pregnant.... Oops!"

Chuck said covering up his lips

"What but Stella said.....Stella"

Red quickly went from shock to angry

"I....I have to find Cassidy"

Red said frantically

"I need to tell her im sorry and I love her. Chuck can you....."

But Chuck was already gone

"She is at the cliff"

Chuck said running back inside the room. Red smiled


"No problem now go and congrats"

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Angry Birds: Red X OC (Cassidy)Where stories live. Discover now