if you get yelled at doing These your teachers a bicth
1. Walk into class JUST as the bell rings. Not one minute before or a second after, so technically you're not late, so the teacher can't give you a tardy
2. "accidentally" shift your wrist too fast and knock your textbook on the floor, creating a loud THUMP. It's a complete and total accident.
3. Bring the wrong notebook.
4.Raise your hand to answer a question and then stall then after a bit say Nevermind when you're called on
5. Laugh REALLY LOUD. Often times a teacher will crack a joke or tell a story or try to be funny. And even if it's the lamest joke or story in the world, laugh your head off.
6. Read quietly when called on to read
Fake a computer freeze. Ask your teacher to come help you because your computer is frozen, even though it's not. When he or she comes over, say "Sorry, I guess it's working now." It's best to do this one when your teacher is at the other side of the room.
8.Tell a story. When the teacher asks if the class has any questions, raise your hand and offer a comment. Tell a long, drawn-out, and not necessarily true, but boring story about something that only sort of relates to the subject.
9. Keep making lots of comments at EVERYTHING the teacher says, even if it's nothing to do with the subject.
10. Look like you're listening but say lots of things to your friends.
11. Cough or sneeze loudly or constantly. If a teacher askes you to stop say you can't because you have cold or some shit like that.
12. Pay attention to the lesson, but draw in your notebook or something. Then when the teacher asks you a question to try and make an example of you, answer the question correctly. (i do that all the time)
13. Or give your teacher a codename they won't completely understand, then it will frustrate them trying to figure it out.
14. Throw a paper ball at the teacher you hate when she comes, tell the teacher someone else did it.
15. Tap pencil on desk repeatedltly
16.Keep correcting them
17. when in english class, and teacher asks you to highlight important parts in the story you're reading, HIGHLIGHT IT ALL! and say everything's important in the story -OR- don't highlight ANYTHING and say nothing is important in the story!!
18.clear your throat every 2 minutes.
19. Keep acting dumb and pretend you dont understand anything she/he is saying
20.With really wide eyes, stare at your teacher like u are being hypnotized
21.Stand up in the middle of the class and say to your history teacher
"How do you know? where you there when that happened? I dont think so. I am done with this" and walk out
22.when the math teacher asks were is your homework say it comited suicide it had to many problems
23.when the fire alerm rings yell Really loud then run out of the class
24. when he/she isn't looking, everyone moves down a seat to confuse them
25. start using your phone/ipod until teacher says warning/put it away then get a book and start reading until teacher says to to put it away and start doing hw for another class and so on...
26.keep Poping your gum non-stop then when the teacher looks stick it to the rof of your mouth
27.when you talk keep saying like,um,you know,wait what was i saying
28. write random stuff on the board when the teacher leaves the room/rub the board
29. scream when the teacher turns around and when they look at you make a lame excuse like something touched me works best when There are goust storys about your school like Dale road school
30. whenever the teacher is giving lecture every five minutes you should say YOLO
how to piss off your techer
Humorhow to piss off your teacher and not get in trouble 1.grow a some and get in trouble