Chapter 5

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I was shocked.
This is something next to impossible.
And how can I be a part of the Cyrus family?
All of them were dead.

"Alexia, please help me." I pleaded.

I was upset or scared or confused or maybe all of the three.

"Lisa. You are stronger than them. You have to fight yourself.
I am not that powerful to fight with Wendy."

"Chuck it. I wanna know how the hell am I a part of the Cyrus family," I said.

"Okay. You know Richard and Emily, my parents.
Mom delivered two baby girls.
One being me and the other one being Wendy. Dad threw me in a dustbin and left. Though I was lucky enough to get a guardian."

"I got that, but how am I a part of this." I asked.

" You know that Dad had an affair with some lady who was pregnant with a baby boy. William Cyrus.
William then married Frida but sadly his young son and daughter in law died during an exorcism.
This made Wendy more and more powerful, which lead to Lily's death too."

I was watching her, waiting her to answer my question.

"You must be thinking that when Arthur died, the Cyrus family would just be a mere name. But no.

Richard's alleged girlfriend was pregnant with triplets, all of them being boys.
Richard obviously didn't know about this because he was dead.
Without going into the details I would tell you that you are the only one who is alive in the Cyrus family."

I was confused.
" so this means that Richard was my grand grand grand pa? Maybe even more. If Wendy killed everyone why did she spare me?"

Alexia then said ," See you were even stronger than her at that time. Your faith in God and. ....

I interrupted "what do you mean by at that time?"

"When all the members died, only one was left.
Tara Cyrus, who died on 18th December, 1999," she said.

"18 th December 1999, that's my birthday..." I almost screamed.


A/n - super confusing update I know.
You might be having many many questions.
The answers to them will be revealed soon.
And yes please dont bug me with messages for updates, that too twice a day.
I am trying my best to write 4 stories at a time.

Happy reading :)

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