Down in Vortex..

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"Hello, fellow wizards and witches, Today I am glad to be hosting The Dragon Cup!" The king of all magic in the land blabs on and on. But he's not important, this tale is told about the two greatest dragon tamers out there, Meghan Harvey and Lucas Nikles. They, my dear friend, are the real heroes. Why don't I introduce you to.. well, ladies first.

Meghan Harvey is a fifteen year old girl, she is homeschooled because she was bullied so much that her parents had enough. She has extremely dark brown hair, rose red cheeks, emerald green eyes, and her voice is like a symphony. It brings music to whoever truly listens to her voice. She also has a few freckles scattered among her face, her lips are bubblegum pink, and her teeth are so white it's hard to look at them in the sun.

Lucas Nikles is also fifteen. He has a dirty blonde colored hair, cheeks that are naturally pink most of the time, deep brown eyes that people say if you look into them he can see your soul. He went to a public high school and was in tenth grade. He wasn't a 'bad boy' I wouldn't say he was an angel, either. He just sat in the back and didn't say a word. If he did speak it usually scared people because they're used to not hearing his voice.

Now that you know the characters a tad bit, I think you're ready to hear the crazy stuff. Down, way, way down, under graves, oceans, and everything else, lies a homely place. That homely place is called Vortex. Vortex is where the supernatural things call home. It contains werewolves, vampires, wizards, witches, and most of all, dragons. In fact, dragons are one of Vortex's favorite creatures. The king of this land is Drake McNavy. Drake is a strict, but kind king. He treats his followers right, but kills off anyone who goes against him. He is, however, very violent. It's a McNavy curse, I guess. It's so bad that his great, great, great, great, great grandfather created The Dragon Cup.

It is a popular yearly game. How to enter, you may ask? Well it's simple, just say your name seven times in the mirror, and you're entered. But to get in. That's the hard part. Only the best of the best get in this cup. For only the best will win. Anyone over the age of fourteen has a chance. The rules are simple, no dropping out and no killing anyone outside of the game. Do this and you're as dead as you probably were going to be when you entered. But keep in line and do your work toughly, and truly and you may survive long enough to make it to the final round. Work extra hard and you may even win!

Now you're probably wondering why Meghan and Lucas got in when they're not even magical. Well, their mothers both had a taste for magic. They had their kids in Vortex, giving Meghan and Lucas some magical power already. With the combined power of their mothers' magic and Vortex's magic, they created two of the most powerful babies alive. The magical world decided it was for the best to not tell them of their power. If they discover it, great, if they don't, even better. Oh, right, no human mixed with a citizen of Vortex children can be born in the world of Vortex, it creates a top powerful child. Most are killed, but no one told the king. And no one will, for they made an unbreakable oath not to.

Of course like all dramatic stories like this, Meghan and Lucas' real mothers are gone. They both mysteriously disappeared after their birth. Maybe it was so others couldn't make a connection, or maybe because they just didn't want their child. But they had both left as fast as they had come into their innocent child's life. Many were upset about their decision, actually. But most just didn't care, carrying on with life without a care. Most likely because most people didn't know, or forgot. But, that's how it went. That's how it always went.

So.. yeah! Do you like this new book? I really don't plan any of my books very well. (I just plan the beginning, the problem, and the end.) So the smaller details are up to you all! Please do tell me if you have ANY ideas whatsoever about what happens next!

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