The Beginning of an Ending?

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Meghan Harvey was sitting at her dinner table, unable to sit still. Her parents had made her favorite, potatoes, corn, and a nice, juicy steak!
"Happy birthday, Meggie!" They exclaim.
"Thank you guys!" She says before digging in.

Meanwhile, some hours away, sat a lovely house, in that lovely house sat a lovely boy, Lucas. He was writing in his journal about how he wished he could see his mother, as only his father was still raising him. It was, in fact, a poem about her. It went:

Dear Mother,
Do you even bother to come see me.
Other kids' mothers smother.
But you barely even talk to me.
I'm getting tougher.
Just wait 'till I find you.
And confront you.
About the pain you've caused us.
Now, Mother
Or shall I say, stranger?
I will find you.
And confront you.
Too see what you've to say.
And then I'll leave.
'Cause you aren't worth the grieve.

He then folds his leather bound journal and walks out of the house. He mustn't be seen doing what he's about to do. Then, without thinking twice, he takes out his spray paint and writes 'Mother.' in big, blue and green colors. And then he leaves, because she isn't worth staying for anyway.

Back at Meghan's place, she was having a huge party at her friend, Cristine's, house. "This party is lit!" Yells Mack, that just so happens to be Meghan's crush.
"Yeah it is, isn't it?" She says with a small grin.
"Happy birthday, Meg," he says.
Meghan's grin grows wider.
"Thanks." She says before walking away, he can't know she likes him. Mainly because he already has a girlfriend, but also because it's a little bit embarrassing.

After her party she goes back home. Meghan walks into her medium sized home and then wanders up to bed, falling a little bit up the stairs due to exhaustion. "Today has been... magnificent," she says aloud in her warm bed. Then, she cuddled up in her blanket and falls into her dream world.

At Lucas' his father, Micheal, brought Lucas some left over food from his work lunch he'd bought the day before. "It's a bit odd tasting, it comes with a zing afterwards, but it's good." Says Micheal.
Lucas nods and gives a silent "Mhm," before getting a plastic fork and chowing down on his day-and-a-half old food.

Lucas, too, goes up to bed afterwards and goes into his slumber within minutes. Dreaming of his mother being around so he could confront her about how she left him and his father with nothing, and then goes off and dates another man. Soon to be married, now. She never even said good-bye. Just left in the mysterious night and never returned to her old, forgotten life. And, to be honest, Lucas hopes she never comes back.


In the morning both Lucas and Meghan get on some device around them. There's been a huge fire, of unknown cause, in the president's domain. The world has been going crazy not being able to tell how it happened. He is in critical condition in the hospital, people can only hope he'll be okay.

And that, my friend, is where this story starts. The tale of Meghan Harvey and Lucas Nikles.

Someone should really inspire me to keep writing this. Ahaha. Don't worry I'll find inspiration soon.
Hope this chapter was interesting, it's not very long.. whoops. Maybe next time I'll go to my secret writing area...😂 If there are any grammar and spelling errors please alert me!
With love, Liv. xox

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