Chapter 20

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Freya Stark

The trip to Segro had only taken three days from the port on Klesp Path. It had been peaceful and there was a great view of the mountains but I was excited to see if the legend behind the graveyard was true or not, though if it was I would be back at the port to go to Iron Well before anything could possess me. I heard a crash behind me as I left the Pokémon Center and turned around to see Soren on the ground while Torracat stared down at him as if confused about why he was down there. Jay laughed as she went around Soren while Curse merely walked over his back as she followed her trainer.

"Can't you put him back in his ball?" Soren growled as he got up. "I know he's doing that on purpose."

"He keeps coming out of it." Jay sighed before catching up to me. "Just deal with it."

He appeared to mutter something under his breath but I couldn't hear what it was. I glanced at Jay. "Do you think Ivan's going to be okay on his own?"

"He's with Rita and Esme." She pointed out. "He said he was going to stay with them until they went to Drego right? He won't be on his own for a month at least. Besides, he wasn't around when we got in Valhalla's way, I'm sure his flight to Xelen will be fine. We're still meeting him there after our gym battle on Iron Well right?"

"Yeah. We agreed to call each other if plans changed too." I nodded, getting to where she was going with her answer. "We should get there around the same time I think."

"See. It'll be fine." Jay smirked. "The only difference will be that I'll have one more badge than him."

"I'll have one more too." Soren spoke up as he finished fixing his jacket. "It's a rock and steel type gym, once again, I have the advantage."

"Torracat can handle those steel types and I have Ralts' magical leaf to take out the rock types."

I tuned out their conversation and gave Pikachu a bored look. "If Ivan had chosen Oris' gym to take on next I bet this would be more interesting. I thought he loved scary things."

"Pika..." He twitched his ears in agreement before jumping off my shoulder and running ahead to stare off at the large expanse of space that took up most of Tranquil Isle.

The morning fog was still thick around the town and most people were still asleep, which gave the air a chilled feeling. I could bet ghost types would be out there, though I was more worried about actual ghosts like in the stories. The legend I had heard on the way over heard had stated that this was the only place the graves of the dead could be found from the war in Drucan. Those who had aligned themselves with the land had been buried in the volcano, burned to nothing by the lava, while those who had followed the water alignment... well their gravesite was thought to be around Ethereal Isle under the whirlpools surrounding it but there was never anything confirmed. Those other two gravesites weren't said to be haunted like this place, which was why I wanted to come here first rather than hike up Obsidian Wrath while we had been in Vrard.

The two fell silent behind me as we left Segro and walked through the rusted, twisted, black gateway of the Sky Spirit Graveyard. I almost wished they had kept talking because it looked like we had just walked into a horror movie where we were going to be killed, not that I was scared but I didn't want to die at the moment. Pikachu was sticking close to my side now that we had reached our destination and I picked him up as we continued walking, the last thing I needed was for him to get lost in here...

"Did you hear that?" Jay asked, her voice sounded almost distant despite only being a few feet away from me. "I think I heard a branch crack."

"It could've just been a branch breaking off one of the rotting trees and falling to the ground." I said as I looked at the nearest one, not mentioning the alternative could've been someone about to attack us.

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