1- After the Break Up

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3rd Persons Pov

"Hey Jade wake up!" Jesy, Jade's bestfriend shouted just for her lazy bestfriend to wake up.

"Give me five minutes Jes." The brunette replied with her morning voice.

"You also said that five minutes ago." Jesy replied.

"Oh, cmon Jade. Someone's waiting for you downstairs." Jesy said then leaved Jade on her own.

Jade stood up and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She don't wan't a bad breath talking to her visitor. She finished brushing her teeth then went downstairs where she saw her friend or admirer with flowers on his hands.

"Hey Jed." She aproached Jed.

"Goodmorning Jade. Here, flowers for you." He handed the bouquet of flower to the beautiful brunette in front of him.

"Thanks Jed. Why you here so early?" Jade asked while sitting down to the coush then tap the space for Jed to sit in.

"Remember, i'm courting so i'm here to give you flowers but i'm leaving after this talk cause I still have work." He said.

"Oh. Thanks for the effort but you didn't have to do it." Jade said then looked at the clock and realized that Jed is almost late for his work.

"Jed, I think you must go. You're almost late."

"Oh, I'll go. See you love. Take care." Jed kissed Jade's cheek making her face to heat up and look like a tomato.

"What was that all about Jade?" Jesy asked the blushing girl out of nowhere.

"Sorry i didn't tell you. Uhhmm, Jed's courting me." She said

"What? I don't even know that guy. Give me details now." Jesy demanded and leaved Jade with no choice but to tell Jesy everything about Jed.

Jade finished telling Jesy all about Jed.

"So this Jed has been your friend since highschool but you never talked because P was still with you that time." Jesy explained and continued talking and Jade just keep nodding and nodding.

"I still can't believe you broke up. I mean it's almost a year since that break up but i couldn't move on." Jesy said which made Jade feel awkward.

"We talked to not brought that topic again Jesy."

"Sorry. I'm just a die hard shipper. Gonna go to my room." Jesy excused herself.

"I think Perrie's still better." Jadr heard Jesy murmured to herself.

"Jesminda!" Jade shouted.

"Sorry." Jesy said with a peace in her hand.

It's almost been years since the break up. But still, Jade is in the stage of moving on. Jade is doing everything just to forget the Blonde. She even used Jed as a rebound. She know it's wrong but she trust her self so much that things will be okay soon. Just a little bit and soon she will forget about Perrie Edwards.


"Jade!" "Jade!" She heard the shouting and the thuds headed to her door.

"Jade. You won't believe it." It was just Jesy with an envelope in her hand.

"Do you know? You just ruined my moment here reading this novel." Jade said as she closed the book and took off her reading glasses.

"This is more important nerd." Jesy said handing Jade the envelope.

     Hey! You are invited to                 Harry Styles' 23rd Birthday

When: Febuary 1 20**
Where: (just think of a place)

                    To: Jade and Jesy

"There's a letter at the back Jade." Jesy said.

Hope you could come. Especially you Jade. I missed you. See you soon.

P.s She's gonna be there too. So prepare.

"Are you going?" Jesy asked with worry in her voice.

"Of course Jes. It's our friend's birthday so we need to come." Jade answered.

"She's gonna be there Jade." Jade know who's the person Jesy is talking about.

"I'm ready Jesy. Ive been avoiding them. I guess it's time for me to face them." Jade said with confidence in her voice.

"If you think it's the right decision then I'll support you." Jesy pulled Jade in a hug and Jade hug back with no hesitation.

"Thanks Jes for the support."

"Anytime Poppy."


"What do you think is the best gift to give Harry?" Jade heard jesy asked that question in a million times this day.

"Jes, for the millionth time. Just give him anything from the heart." Jade said annoyingly.

"I'm going to the bookstore Jes." She told Jesy that's still thinking for the perfect gift.

"Okay. Go on Nerdy." Jesy said then continued thinking.


"What to buy? What to buy?" Jade asked herself while looking at the books displayed.

"Oh this one." She picked the book The fault in our stars. She watched the movie but still haven't read the book. Jade really isn't the girl who likes romance, she likes a different genre of books.

"Where did you displayed to sci fi kind of books miss?" Jade heard a familiar voice asking a saleslady.

"There miss."


Jade decided to head to the counter but still looked at the Blonde girl with a shining blue eyes secretly. You're right, Perrie is the girl Jade's looking at.

"I did not know she reads those kind of books. Well people change." Jade said to her mind.

"What are you doing there miss?" The saleslady asked Jade making her shocked.

"You scared me."

"Sorry miss. Can I help you?" The saleslady asked Jade.

"No thanks. I was just looking for a good book." She said. And handed the book she picked earlier to the saleslady. "Can you put it back. I need to go. Thanks."

Jade grab the phone from her pocket and decided to call Jesy.


"Hello Jes. Where are you now?" She asked the girl from the other line.

"I'm here at the foodcourt. Why?" Jesy answeres from the other line.

"Meet me at the parking lot. We need to go home."

"I still haven't found the perfect gift."

"Just meet me there okay. We'll buy next time."

Toot toot toot


"What was that earlier Jade?" Jesy asked Jade.

"I saw someone and I did not know what to do so I decided to go home."

"It's Perrie isn't it?" Jesy asked. Jade just stared at her. "I saw her actually and we talked. She just arrived earlier this morning from US." Jesy continued.

"So that was really her. I thought I was just imagining." Jade said.

"You weren't Jade. I'm gunna go to bed. I'm wasted." Jesy said and walked to her room.

She changed. Even her style changed. Her face also changed, it became more mature. But she's still beautiful as ever.


Chapter 1 is finished.

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