Chapter 4: The Day I Acquainted You

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"What?! They're place?! They're home?!"
Oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my
What i'm gonna do?!
To their place?!
My heart is not strong enough for this

"Nijika-chan?" A voice waking me from my daydreaming. It's Rui. "Eh...Sorry.. I'm just-" "WE'RE HERE!" said Kakeru as the car stop, cutting my words. I look out from the windows, and it's really their home! Simple house for celebrity.
"Let's go, Nijika-chan" says Rui with going out from the car. I follow him into the house. It's really a cool house. We pass the corridor until we arrive at a big living room.It's a simple ground with a rectangular lower ground in the middle of it which connected by 3 little stairs. There are sofas and table at the lower ground. In the left side of the ground, there are sofas and tv. In the right side, there are a billiard table. In the back, there are corridors to left and right,and also a door tho outside. I quickly spotted 2 boys at the billiard table, 4 boys playing games in the tv, and the other 4 boys are chatting in the sofas.
"Minnaaaaaaaa! She is here!" Scream Kakeru which successfully gain the attention to me.
They suddenly excited, and stop what are the doing, and run to me. They beginning to ask many questions to me. I think my head start to dizzy. "Whoa whoa, relax guys, give her a rest" says Hajime. "Yeah, let she sit first" Shun says with pointing the sofas in the lower ground. Accepting the offer, i walk to the lower ground, and sit in the middle, which make me really in a center of the spotlight. "So... how we start this? Let us explain ourself first" says Hajime.
It start from the left, You. Then, Yoru, Aoi, Arata, Rui, Kakeru, Koi, Iku, Kai, Haru, Hajime and the last the white devil, "Shimotsuki Shun, the Procelarum's Leader. Nice to meet you. Now it's your turn, princess. Let us know more about you" he say with smiling. "Ok.... Nice to meet all of you. My name is Nijika Sakura. My nickname are Nijika or Nika. I'm 17 years old. I'm in highschool now. Yoroshiku..." i say. "What is your favorite color?" Ask Kai. "Yellow"."Same with meeee!" Says Kakeru. "What is your favorite hobby?" Ask Aoi, "Dancing, Acting and sometimes.... um... Singing too". "Your voice is really pretty, since when you start to sing?" You ask, "Well, it's not that good" i answer with flustered " but i think it's from 3 years old....". "3 YEARS OLD?!" Scream the boys together. "No wonder your voice is really good back there" says Koi, while I'm just throw a little smile to react. "No question again?" Ask Hajime. "Me" says Haru with lifting his hand, "Do you have any boyfriend?" The boys start to screaming excitedly, and satung something like way to go, haru, strike!, and the other. With a little blush, i answer him "Well..... unfortunately, no...." and they continue to screaming excitedly after hearing my answer. "Now now! It's not important now, we need to talk about our request. Is it okay, Sakura-san?" Ask Hajime. I answer with nodding. Well, I'm already curious about their request. They're not asking me to teach them, because they know that I'm a past idol, right? Or maybe,they want me to join them? Ahhhhh, i don't know what i need to dooo!
"Etto... Sakura-san? Mind if i continue?" "Ah! Sorry! It's okay, go ahead" i say. "Well... the truth is... we want you to be our manager" Hah? "Well... it's seem strange because we already have a manager, but you know... this manager is from the agency. We need a manager to help us, anytime and anywhere......" says Hajime. "Eh? Anytime........ Anywhere?" I ask . "Ah... Don't take it wrong. Mutsuki, you make it sound like she is a servant! What we mean is, we want you to help us when our manager can't help us, like when we're practicing." Shun explain. "Ooh.... like that... Anywhere?" I ask again. "That's mean, we need you to help us at home, like cooking for us, when Yoru can't, washing the clothes-" i suddenly blush. clothes?! "AH! I mean we wash our personal clothes by ourself, you just need to wash our costume and the others, you can also use laundry. And about 'anytime', you can do the chores whenever you want. After school, at weekend, or at holiday, whenever you like. You can skip it when you busy or if you have a test on the next day. So the point is! Do anything you like! That's it, deal?" Ask Shun
Well, I'm really confused of this. In one side, i want to help them. But in the other side, i'm scary if my identity is revealed
"I..... ..... don't think that i can answer right now..." i answer. I know, their face look a little down
"Okay... i know it's hard for you. Well, if you accept it, you can come tommorow, but if you don't, we will accept it."
"Ok....." i say. It's like i'm making them disappointed, i'm really sorry about it. "Ummm... it's a bit too late. I will take Nika home" says Kai while he stand and take his car's key. "I'll go with them" says Haru. "Ok, take care". "Bye, Nika" all of the members say so. I see all of the members's face, especially Kakeru and Rui. I know they are really disappointed. I quickly follow Haru and Kai to outside. I sit at the backseat, and Haru and Kai at the front. We drive in silence. Well, sometimes Kai speak to ask for the direction
"There we are...." Haru says with exhaling. I quickly exit the car. "I'm very sorry if i disappoint all of you....." i say. "It's ok, but at least try to think about it. Okay?" Says Kai with a smile, even i know it's not a real smile. "Yeah..... they already excited to have a new manager....". And we broke in the silence again. "Well, it's time to go home. Good night, nika". I just smile and wave them as they go away.

I quickly enter my house and tell my parents in the livingroom that i go to my friend house. Without hearing my parents reaction, i walk to my room, even i think they seem okay. I quickly enter my room. I go to have a bath and then throw myself to the bed. Haaaaa..... really a big day
I just broke in the silence until i sleep
If i wake up tomorrow...... what i'm gonna do?

Finally, this wreck update soon
Maybe that's what you thinking
Thanks for your support
Well, i give you my best shot and the longest episode here
So, enjoy it and don't to forget to leave your trace with comment, vote, and follow

-author R

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