Chapter 6 : The Day that I Accept You

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"Hello? Hajime-san? I'm sorry, but could we meet right now? I need to tell you about my answer."

The streets are not too crowded, and he's sure he can make it on time. It's already evening, so some of the lights already turned on. That young man look out of his car. Instead of enjoying the beautiful scenery of the lights, he's more like dazing or daydreaming. Sometimes he brushed his purple hair to the back and forward. It's not like him, of course. Hajime who is a calm and straightforward guy wouldn't do something like this, usually.
I don't know what to do right now. She suddenly asked to meet. And she said she want to tell us the answer?

I will be lying if i say that I'm not nervous. Well it's not gonna ruin everything even if she reject it. But the guys will be sad, and... I... I don't know why but... My heart already heavy now, and i don't know if i can handle such a thing again. Urgh, whatever.

"Kanade-san, sorry but can you go more faster?"


The sky is already orange when i arrived on the park. As usual, I sit in front of the lake. Fortunately, like always, the park seems quiet that makes me more relaxed.

I usually came here to refresh myself, or only to sing. The atmosphere here is the best.

But for now, it's not that simple. This could change my life. I will returned to my old life. To my past. To...

That horrible past?

No! I trust that this decision is the best for both of us.


Hajime-san stand there, looking at me. It's seems like he's out of breath. Does he run here? Well it's not the time to analyzing!

"Ah, yes! Sorry to disturb you. Here, come and sit down." I said while moving to the right side of the bench.

Hajime-san was coming closer when he stopped beside me and said "I'm very sorry, Nijika-san. But I really do need your answer right now."

He really looked serious.

"Sorry if I'm rushing things, but you know, I ca-"

"Ah sure! Sorry, i guess I'm just too nervous. I think you want to talk for a little bit or may- Well yeah, for my answer..."

I immediately stand up and face him before i continue my words.

"... I've decided to accept your offer."

I've just finished my word, when Hajime-san fell to the ground. When I look closer, it looks like he is squatting.

"Are you okay, Hajime-san? Anything wrong? I'm very sorry, did i scare you?" I said while checking his condition. Nothing wrong, for exact.

I was checking his temperature, when he held my hand.

"Nope, nothing wrong. I'm okay. Thank you for your attention, Nijika-san" he smiled and then stand up.

"Well, I'll informing this to our manager, and I'll tell you when can you start."

"Umm, excuse me Hajime-san. But can i ask you something first?"

"Sure, anything."

"Well... The case is... Uhmm... Mmm.."

"Its okay. No need to hesitated, you can ask me anything." He smiled.

"Yeah, for my job... You asked me to be your manager right?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Uhmm... What i want to ask is... Can i change the title?"

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