With you, always

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This was the first time Cassie and I were alone with nobody to interrupt us. More specifically, no Parker to interrupt us.

Everyday, since day one in kindergarten, she and I stuck together.

We were certain we would be best friends till the end of time.

As we grew older, our friends told us it wouldn't last; in what world were a boy and a girl best friends, living happily ever after?

Then came 11th grade. She discovered she had a thing for cheer leading; and also the quaterback-slash-hottest-guy-in-school, none other than Parker Adams.

Soon, we were an uncomfortable group of three. More like two and a third wheel: me.

Our frequent rant calls and hanging out dwindled; I didn't mind as long as she was happy, but I could see she wasn't. Parker was an okay person, but when it came to girls, he was like an outdoor adventure blogger; you name it, he's done it.

They started dating, him agreeing probably to fulfill a dare, but she was hopelessly in love with him, or maybe it was his façade. No one could tell which was which.

This was the 3rd time he'd ditched her to disappear to God-knows-where at a party.

I was keeping her company, not at all minding the way she slid her fingers through mine, just as we'd done since we were children.


"Yeah?" , I answered, suddenly leaving my flashback.

"Do you think he really went to check on a sick friend?"

"Um. Well.."
I didn't want to be the one to crash her dreams, but she did need a wakeup call.

"I don't think so Cass. I mean, this is the third time he's left you like this. And if I hadn't tagged along, you'd be alone by now."

She nodded, thinking this over.

"I don't know, Jay.."
She was interrupted by the sudden presence that made itself known.

"Cassie! There you are! Sorry, babe, I just.."

Cassie stood up and walked right up to his chest, looking him straight in the eye, effectively cutting him off.

"Where were you?"

"Um. I..was..just..."

"Where were you Parker?!"

He looked startled. Then smirked. The nerve.

"At a friend's"

"And just who is this friend?"

His grin widened.


He barely got to finish speaking before Cassie's hand made its way right across his perfect face.

A few heads turned our way.

"Baby I'm.."

"Get out! Disappear from my freaking life before I strangle you!"

He backed away slowly, his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay!"

When he was far enough, he smiled wickedly before turning around and disappearing in the crowd.

Cassie remained rooted to the spot.

"Oh, Jay." She looked down at me, eyes shining with tears. "You must be thinking I'm such a fool. Why didn't I see this coming?"

I shook my head. "You liked him a lot, Cassie. You always try to see the best in people; it's just that people like him," I nodded towards the direction he left, "They don't have a best."

Cassie nodded and walked back towards me, sitting down and lacing her fingers through mine, like before.

"What would I do without you, Jason?", she whispered before resting her head on my shoulder.

It wasn't long before I could feel her quiet sobs, so I wrapped my arms around her protectively.

"You would never have know, Cass. Because I'd never leave your side."

We stayed like that for a while, and when it was time to go, she pulled me back and placed her soft lips against my cheek; just brushing the corner of my mouth.

"Thank you, Jason", she whispered against my lips.

I couldn't help the idiotic smile that appeared on my face after she turned around.

You're welcome, my love.

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