Then, she began to type

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She was warm. Her body was cocooned in fluffy sheets, and the curtains were drawn against the chill of the night. Above her, glittering like a thousand diamonds were the tiny glow-in-the-dark stars she put up years ago. She swept her eyes wistfully over the shadows of her room. She'd been there for years, endured many a tearful night completely alone. Her fingers curled in the frayed fabric of her pillowcase. If one were to look very, very closely they would see the tiny holes she whispered her secrets to when she couldn't fall asleep. These four walls have protected her for years- against the sharp, bitter words thrown at her by her father, and the chilling tinkle of broken glass that sometimes resulted from her parents fighting. She shook her head slightly to stop the memory from playing out. She rolled her head slowly and felt the tension that has been there for years on end- it was now here to stay.

She sighed. Then, she spotted her bookshelf and smiled. She had many friends within the yellowed pages she had managed to collect over the years. She had been a princess, a faerie, a defecting witch. She'd fought alongside pirates, and wept for the death of her favourite heroine. She'd been brave. She'd fallen in love a thousand times.

When she was no longer able to afford any more books she could hold, she resorted to the electronic versions that filled her hard drive. They were all categorized neatly, in separate folders for each author, in a folder right next to her own stories.

She didn't think her writing was that good, but she wrote anyway. She wrote because she felt the words flow from her mind and out her fingertips- she wrote because it made her feel happy. A little less lonely.

She closed her eyes for a bit and enjoyed the quiet darkness that welcomed her. She felt safe. She could feel the familiar, gentle nag at the back of her mind, so she opened up her laptop. Her fingers automatically clicked New: word document.

Then, she began to type :

She was warm. Her body was cocooned in fluffy sheets, and the curtains were drawn against the chill of the night.


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