Chapter 8

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Ginny's POV


I couldn't sleep at all last night and it wasn't just because of him. It was because of something else as well.I swear I had seen a shadow in our room last night. The shadow was a shape of a person. It did nothing but stare, stare at Lottie. I saw the shadow, didn't hurt her, it was like it was protecting her from something. It was there for hours, the sun was just starting to rise when it left. It planted a kiss on Lottie's forehead and climbed out the window.As it was leaving it passed my bed. I smelt something. It smelt like the woods and boy.

Today the first thing I saw was Lottie writing in her diary; writing to him. As soon as she saw I was awake she quickly stuffed it in her bag.

"Morning GG" she said cheerfully. I nearly rolled my eyes at her.

"Morning" I said while getting up and getting dressed.

We all walked to the great hall together in complete silence. As we we entered the great hall bam! all eyes was in Lottie. No change there.

We sat down with Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville. Lottie and Harry next to each other. I saw Harry got to grab Lottie's hand. Lottie started to blush and Ron sent Harry a warning glance.

I made small talk with Neville and learnt a lot about him. Everyone else was talking among there self. Lottie and Harry flirting, Hermione and Ron bickering like a old married couple and Ellie and Holly talking to each other about boys and make up.

Hermione, Ellie and Holly were smirking when Lottie and Harry started blushing. Ron was getting really annoyed.

"WOULD YOU STOP FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER" he shouted at Harry. Percy, Fred and George came over to see who was flirting with Lottie.

"Come on Ron it's only Harry" Fred said.

"Yeah they would make a cute couple" George added making Lottie and Harry blush.

"She is to young for dating" Percy said sternly.

"Just because you have never had a girlfriend" Lottie grumbles, I couldn't help but laugh. They looked and me confused but Lottie sat there smirking.

Me, Lottie, Ellie and Holly went off to our first lesson. Potions with Luna. Yay.

~~~~~~~~~~After classes~~~~~~~~

I am so happy classes are over. I hate my teachers. They love comparing me to Lottie when I get something wrong or mess up.

People keep talking about Harry being the heir of Slytherin. As we were walking down the hall we unfortunately ran it to a certain blonde.

"Well well well isn't is the blood traitors. Red hair, handy down robes mush be a Weasley" Malfoy sneered at Lottie and I, mostly me. Lottie snapped.

"Blonde hair Slytherin robes must be a Malfoy" she spat his last name. He looked taken back but regained his self to live up to his Malfoy name.

"I'm not talking to you, stupid redhead" he did not just go there.

"At least I'm not a bleach blond!" Lottie was getting really angry. No one wants to see Charlotte-Rose Jannah Weasley angry.

The crowd all 'ohhhh' when they heard what Lottie said.

"Shut up weasel" he said while his face going pink. I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry making their way through the crowd.

"At Lear I don't look like a bloody ferret" she shot at him. As soon as she said that everyone started laughing, even some Slytherins!

When the trio got to us Ron tried to drag Lottie away. It to Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Percy, Luna, Ellie, Holly and I to drag her away. When we were dragging Lottie away she screamed

"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN LAST OF CHARLOTTE-ROSE JANNAH WEASLEY, MALFOY" ok this is serous she used her full name. He just laughed and said " sure princess" a few other people had to come and help us keep her back. She needs to control that temper of hers.

We finally got back to the common room. Lottie kept complaining and asking why we didn't just let her at Malfoy.

"Bloody hell Lottie" Ron said.

"Yeah what ever, I'm going to bed" she said while storming up the stairs.

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