Chapter 6

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Ginny's POV


I woke up and looked over to Lottie and saw she wasn't in her bed. She was the only one not in bed. Hermione, Ellie and Holly are all still in bed. I asked them if they saw when Lottie left or told them were she was going, they all said no and look really worried.

Classes came and still no one has seen Lottie in class or in the halls. I say Ellie and Holly but no Lottie.

In potions I asked Snape if he has seen my little sister because she had him first but he said no, shut up get back to work or i'll have detention. Sor-ry for caring about my little sister.

After all classes were finished I still hadn't seen Lottie at all. This was very unlike her even though its just our second day I know Lottie wouldn't miss a whole day of school. Something was up and I didn't like it at all.

I fist went to ask Percy because him and Lottie have a sibling bond and mostly because she is the only one who understands him. She is also the only one who can calm him down so naturally she is his favorite.Percy was talking to his friend (yes Percy has friends) and look annoyed when I was talking to him. That quickly changed to worry when I said that she is missing.He began pacing around the room and told me that he hasn't seen her all day. He said that he is going to look everywhere for her and left.

I went to Fred and George how we gonna play a trick on someone. As soon as I mentioned Lottie's name they stopped. They went deadly quite.When I told them about her being missing they went deadly pale. Why can't I be loved this much. Anyway they started running round shouting 'LOTTIE WHERE ARE YOU!!!!' Then lastly I went to Ron who was sitting with Hermione and Harry. Typical golden trio.

"Ron" I yelled at him.

"What do you want Ginny?" he asked sound really bored.

"Have you seen Lottie at all today?" I asked him. They all snapped their Heads towards me.

"You still haven't seen her to" Hermione asked in a concerned tone. I shook my head.

"Percy, Fred and George haven't seen her either. I need to ask Ellie, Holly, the teachers and her fan club." She now was pacing round just like Percy was.

"Okay what the bloody hell is going on here?! Ginny where is Lottie?!" Ron said him and Harry look really worried. Why does everyone love Lottie more then me?

Hermione and I both looked at each other. I gave her pleading eyes telling her well begging her to tell them instead of me. She just sighed.

"Well this morning Ginny asked Ellie, Holly and I if we have seen Lottie because she wasn't in bed. She didn't show up to any of her classes as well. Lottie is missing" Hermione explained.

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS EARLY?!" Ron yelled. Ok Ron never yells so he must love Lottie loads.

"Ronald! calm your self you are scarring her!" Hermione scolded seeing my scared face. They continued to bicker until Harry finally spoke up, well more like yelled.

"Lottie!!!" he yelled and rand to tackle her in a hug. Hermione and Ron stopped bickering and ran and hugged her as well.She look horrible, well that was a understatement. Her hair was tangled and messy, her robe was sopping wet, she had dark bags under her eyes and look deathly pale.

"Where on earth have you been! never mind let's get you some dinner, your brothers have been worried sick about you!" Hermione said pulling her towards the great hall. But Lottie stopped her.

"No thanks, I'm not feeling well, you go on. Tell my brothers I am in my dorm and that I am fine. I just need some rest, i'll be fine" she fake smiled and pushed the to the great hall. After a few minutes they left. I just stood there.

"What?" Lottie asked.

"Nothing" I lied and went to the great hall. There is something up and I'm going to find out no matter what.

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