Chapter 13

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Ginny's POV


I was dancing around the dorm getting ready to go home. Goodbye 1st year, hellos 2nd. Lets just hope next year isn't as hectic as this year. There was a knock at the door.

"You ready Ginny" I heard Hermione's voice.

"Yea, I will be down in a minute" I shouted back putting the last things in my trunk.

I dragged my trunk and put it with the others.

"Does anyone know where Lottie is?" Hermione asked.

"Mum and dad took her home because she isn't well enough to take the train" Ron told us all. I feel so bad, why didn't I stop this from happening.

"It's not your fault that this happened, Ginny" Hermione tried to reassure me. Everyone in the group, specially Ron and Harry, glared at her to say it is.

"If we don't leave now we will miss the train, come on" Hermione said trying to cut the awkward silence. As we were walking down to hogsmead train station Hermione, Ron and Harry were talking and Ellie and Holly were talking. The twins and Percy are probably on the train.

We bored the train and all sat in a compartment together. Everyone carried on their conversations, this is going to be a long train ride.

***************After the train*******

Finally the train ride is over, it was so boring sitting there doing nothing. Luna even came and joined us, so that meant I got a lot of dirty look off her. I even saw Harry give me a dirty look.

We walked off the train and looked for mum, dad and Lottie. We only say dad, I was a bit upset because I wanted to see my twin. We walked over to dad.

"Sorry it's only me, your mum is at home looking after Lottie, she still isn't very well" dad said, I look really sad when he mentioned Lottie. We all just walked to the car and went to the burrow.

***********At the burrow************

As soon as we got into the house it was silent, like no one was hear. Then we heard steps from the stairs. We all turned to see mum, I was hoping it was Lottie. She hugged us all.

"Everyone needs to be quite Charlotte is asleep, she is still not well" mum orders. Then she turned to me,

"Ginny you are sleeping in Bill's room until Lottie is better" that is all she said. We heard another set of footsteps. We all turned to see Lottie there.

"Lottie" Ron yelled and pulled her into a hug. She giggled and got out of his grip. She then looked at me.

"Ginny!" yelled and came and hugged me. I was so happy that my little sister wanted to see me after what had happened. I hugged her back. Lottie means the world to me and no one will ever change that. Just as we let go, Charlie came out of the fireplace.

"Charl!" Lottie ran straight to him.

"CJ" Charlie dropped all his bags and hugged her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her concerned.

"I'm ok, a bit tired" she said yawning.

"Come on let's get you to bed" he picked her up and look her to our room, well her room now.

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