Chapter 6 - Magic and Miracles and Unlit Cigarettes

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"Oh. My. Gog."

Vriska grabbed the sides of Terezi's face and mushed them together. Her scrunched up face was still bearing a very noticeable grin.

"He. Fucking. Said. Whaaaaaaaat?"

"Friends, then?" Terezi repeated, and Vriska churned her face with her hands like she was kneading dough.

"You are THE most fickle troll I have ever known!" Vriska cried in dismay. "He broke your fucking heart!"

Terezi cackled, throwing her head back.

"When you say 'fuck' a lot it sounds like you're Karkat!"

"Don't compare me to him!" Vriska released Terezi and put her head in her hands.

"Are you being serious now? Like, you didn't get some crack on the way back in?"

"Why would I lie about something like that?"

"Oh, I dunno. Delusions? Desperation?"

"I can assure you it was neither."

Doc Scratch came to check their work.

"What have you been doing for the past half hour?" He exclaimed.

Terezi and Vriska looked down at the stack of empty worksheets on their table. Then they looked worriedly up at their teacher.

"Well, I do know what you're doing for the next hour after school! It'll be detention! Now get to work!" Doc Scratch went off to another table and started yelling some more.

Terezi looked at Vriska. They looked at Doc Scratch. They looked back at each other. Then they both exploded into laughter so hard it was silent. Doc Scratch didn't notice.

"Heh heh, but really, if Redglare finds out I'm toast. Can I borrow your phone, Vriska?" Terezi managed to force out between gasps.

"Sure." Vriska turned around and dug her phone out of her pack, keying in the passcode before handing it to her moirail.

A/N: whats her passcode? 8888
its about as much of a secret as karkats blood colour

Terezi dialed Porrim's number. She hoped it was her number, at least. She held the speaker shut with her finger and licked the screen until someone picked up.

"Hello, this is Porrim Maryam. Who is this?"

"It's Terezi."

"Oh hey Terezi! Are you feeling okay?"

"Better than ever!"

"That's great to know! So, what did you call me for?"

"Could you stay a half hour later on your shift today please? I've got detention."

"Oh-ho, Terezi's been up to no good! Sure thing honey, but be right back at seven!"

"I will!"


Terezi gave Vriska her phone and she wiped it on her shirt before sliding it back into her bag.

"Okay, let's get to work on this packet. What is this?" Vriska asked, scanning the pages with a blank look on her face.

"I... Um... What lesson are we in?" Terezi said, her worksheet wet with spit.

"I have no idea."

They both laughed heartily until a mean glare from Doc Scratch's shiny cueball head sent them searching for their schedules.

"Alternian History!" Vriska cried,  holding up her schedule.

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